Monday, March 29, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
1:55 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:31 AM
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday, March 26, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:07 PM
streamed by
3am wanderer -
2:47 PM
Labels: basketball
Thursday, March 25, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:35 PM
I'm trying to piece together what happened on Monday because things aren't falling in place for me and I have red flags going up.
9:05am - Dawn calls me from your home.
9:12am - You email me to warn me about not emailing you anymore.
(supposedly within those 7 minutes, she called you and demanded the password).
You told me she read the emails at work. If you signed on into your account at 9:12 am, you should have been able to see my last emails to you when you went online to email me. Before she read them at work. Even if you didn't have time to delete them, you should have been able to read them, or to at least see them. But you told me you never read them.
Something's not jiving. You need to come correct. And for whatever reason, I don't think you are and my radar has been going crazy that there's some honesty lacking somewhere. I don't do drama for drama's sake and my trust is dropping by the minute. Nothing pisses me off more than being lied to. So what's going on?
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:30 PM
Gay/Lesbian Community Service Center (has largest range of domestic violence services)
(323) 860-5806
LACAAW (LA Commission on Assaults Against Women - for all forms of dom. abuse)
(213) 955 - 9090
(310) 392-8381 (santa monica branch)
(213) 626-3393 24 hr. hotline
Sojourn (Where I went. They're in Santa Monica, close to you)
(310) 264-6644 Office
(310) 264-6644 Shelter
-both #s available 24 hours
Barrie Levy (310) 450-0801
Ellen Ledley (310) 314-7667
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:24 PM
What should I do if I am still in the relationship?
If you cannot safely leave the relationship right now, or if you're just not ready to leave, you should still think about ways to keep yourself safe. You might want to think about taking the following precautions:
Keep important phone numbers nearby at all times. Always have a cell phone or have change for a phone call. Important numbers to carry include: the police, domestic violence hotlines or shelters, family and friends.
Bring money when you go out so you are not left stranded or dependent on the person you're with.
Keep a journal of all incidences of violence.
Explain to as many people as you can trust that if they see anything happen, if you disappear, or they think you may be in danger for any reason, they should call 911. People to tell include: roommates, friends, family, people at work or school.
Develop code words with friends and family to use to signal to them that you are in immediate danger.
Plan escape routes from places like school, home, the abuser's home and work.
Become familiar with domestic violence, youth or homeless shelters that you can go to in an emergency.
Avoid going into rooms with possible weapons around, like a kitchen, or rooms where there are no exits during an explosive incident.
Try not to be alone in isolated areas in public. Try to get a ride to school, or ask someone to walk or ride the bus with you.
Find a person or place where you can leave emergency money, keys and clothes.
Join a support group for victims of dating and domestic violence.
Make sure the original and copies of important documents (for example, identification, health insurance, immigration papers and other records) are someplace safe and where you can easily find them but the abuser cannot.
Keep all documentation of the abuse in a place where the abuser will not find it.
Know where the local police station and courthouse are located and their hours of operation.
Choose an email account password that the abuser will not be able to guess so that the abuser won't be able to read your incoming and outgoing mail.
Print and save any threatening or harassing e-mail messages the abuser may send.
If you are accessing information about domestic violence on a computer the abuser has access to, learn how to clear the computer's history or empty the cache file in the browser's settings after accessing the Internet. Or, access the Internet at a local library, a friend's house, or at work.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:23 PM
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:22 PM
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:21 PM
Labels: blood and guts
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:59 AM
So as part of my community service for that nasty little public indecency incident, I'm going to rant on one of my favorite subjects, relationship abuse. Chris Rock says, "I won't hit a bitch. But I'll sure shake the shit outta one." But...that joke is really inappropriate here. I used to volunteer for a group that provided legal services for abuse survivors. Learned a lot about life and people, and I have to say, it was one of the most integral experiences of my life. I tried to post this earlier. Here it is, for a limited time only. This is the last time I post these kinds of messages.
This is for everyone out there who knows it's not right, but doesn't have a voice. This list is somewhat specific, but if you (no matter if you're male or female, gay or straight) recognize any of the traits, even if only ONE applies, you need to talk to someone, get help.
Domestic abuse occurs in approximately 30 to 40% of GLBT relationships, which is the same percentage of violence that occurs in straight relationships. It is a myth that same-sex couples don't batter each other, or if they do; they are just "fighting" or it is "mutual abuse".
Domestic abuse is always about power and control. One partner intentionally gains more and more power over his/ her partner. Tactics can include physical, emotional or verbal abuse, isolation, threats, intimidation, minimizing, denying, blaming, coercion, financial abuse, or using children or pets to control your behavior.
Domestic violence runs in a cycle. Typically, things are wonderful at the beginning of the relationship. Gradually, tension starts to build. Finally, an act of violence occurs. This may be verbal or physical. The victim is shocked. The relationship then moves into the "honeymoon" phase. The abuser is remorseful and attentive, and the victim wants to believe the abuse was an isolated incident. Again, the tension gradually builds until another violent act occurs. The longer the cycle goes on, the closer together the acts of violence happen.
"Red Flags" Of A Battering Personality:
If you are uncertain whether your partner is abusive or if you want to be able to tell at the beginning of the relationship if the other person has the potential to become abusive, there are behaviors you can look for, including the following:
1. JEALOUSY: An abuser will always say that jealousy is a sign of love. Jealousy has nothing to do with love; it's a sign of possessiveness and lack of trust. In a healthy relationship, the partners trust each other unless one of them has legitimately done something to break that trust.
2. CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR: At first, the batterer will say this behavior is because they are concerned for your safety, a need for you to use time well or to make good decisions. Abusers will be angry if you are "late" coming back from the store or an appointment; you will be questioned closely about where you went, who you talked to. At this behavior gets worse, the abuser may not let you make personal decisions about the house, your clothing, or going to church. They may keep all the money; or may make you ask permission to leave the house or room.
3. QUICK INVOLVEMENT: Many domestic violence victims only knew their abuser for a few months before they were living together. The abuser may come on like a whirlwind, claiming "you're the only person I could ever talk to" and "I've never felt loved like this by anyone". Abusers are generally very charming at the beginning of the relationship. You will be pressured to commit in such a way that later you may feel very guilty if you want to slow down involvement or break up. If you are newly out, be careful; abusers often target those they know are new to the GLBT community because it is a time when you are vulnerable and may not know very many people in the community.
4. UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: Abusive people will expect their partner to meet all their needs: the perfect partner, lover, and friend. They say things like "if you love me, I'm all you need and you're all I need". You are supposed to take care of everything for them; emotionally, physically, and sometimes economically.
5. ISOLATION: The abusive person tries to cut the partner off from all resources. If you have same-sex friends, you are a "whore", a "slut" or "cheating". If you are close to family, you're "tied to the apron strings". The abuser will accuses people who are supportive of causing trouble, and may restrict use of the phone. They will gradually isolate you from all of your friends. They may not let you use a car (or have one that is reliable), and may try to keep you from working or going to school. Some abusers will try to get you into legal trouble so that you are afraid to drive or go out.
6. BLAMES OTHERS FOR PROBLEMS: If your partner is chronically unemployed, someone is always doing them wrong or is out to get them. They may make mistakes and then blame you for upsetting them so that they can't concentrate on their work. They will tell you that you are at fault for almost anything that goes wrong.
7. BLAMES OTHERS FOR FEELINGS:Abusive people will tell you, "you made me mad" and "I can't help being angry". Although they actually makes the decision about how they think or feel, they will use feelings to manipulate you. Abusers see themselves as the "victim" in the relationship, and do not take responsibility for their own feelings or behaviors.
8. HYPERSENSITIVITY: Abusers are easily insulted, and may take the slightest setback as a personal attack. They will rant and rave about the injustice of things that are really just a part of living, such as having to get up for work, getting a traffic ticket, or being asked to help with chores.
9. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS OR CHILDREN: This is a person who punishes animals brutally or is insensitive to their pain. They may expect children to be capable of things beyond their ability. They may tease children and younger brothers and sisters until they cry. They may be very critical of other people's children or any children you bring into the relationship. Your partner may threaten to prevent you from seeing children you have no biological rights to, or punish children to get even with you. About 60% of people who beat their partner also beat their children.
10. "PLAYFUL" USE OF FORCE IN SEX: This kind of person may like to act out fantasies where the partner is helpless. They let you know that the idea of rape is exciting. They may show little concern about whether you wants to have sex, and use sulking or anger to manipulate you. They may start having sex with you while you are sleeping, or demand sex when you are ill or tired. They may want to "make up" by having sex after they have just been physically or verbally abusive to you.
11. VERBAL ABUSE: In addition to saying things that are meant to be cruel, this can be seen when the abuser degrades or curses you, belittling any of your accomplishments. They may say accuse you of not being a "real" lesbian or gay man. If you aren't out, they may threaten to out you to family members or your employer. The abuser will tell you that you are stupid and unable to function without them. They may wake you up to verbally abuse you, or not let you go to sleep.
12. RIGID SEX ROLES: Abusers expect the partner to play the "female" role; to serve them, and insists that you obey them in all things. The abuser sees you as unintelligent, inferior, responsible for menial tasks, and less than whole without the relationship. They will often tell you that no one else would want you or that you are nothing without them. They will remind you of everything they have done for you.
13. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE: Many victims are confused by their abuser's sudden changes in mood, and may think it indicates a special mental problem. Abusers may be nice one minute, and explode the next. Explosiveness and moodiness are typical of people who beat their partners. Many victims feel if their partner would just quit drinking or using drugs, the violence would stop. This is usually not the case. Abusive people continue the abuse, even after they stop using alcohol or drugs, unless they also seek help for their abusive behavior.
14. PAST BATTERING: These people say they have hit a partner in the past, but the previous partner made them do it. You may hear from relatives or ex partners that the person has been abusive. A batterer will beat any person they are with if they are with that person long enough for violence to begin; situational circumstances do not make a person an abusive personality.
15. THREATS OF VIOLENCE: This could include any threat of physical force meant to control you: "I'll slap your mouth off", "I'll kill you", "I'll break your neck". Most people do not threaten their mates, but a batterer will say "everyone talks like that", or "it didn't mean anything".
16. BREAKING OR STRIKING OBJECTS: This behavior is used as a punishment (breaking loved possessions), but is used mostly to terrorize you into submission. The abuser may beat on the table with their fist or throw objects around. This is not only a sign of extreme emotional immaturity, but indicates great danger when someone thinks they have the "right" to punish or frighten their partner.
17. ANY FORCE DURING AN ARGUMENT: A batterer may hold you down, restrain you from leaving the room, push you, or shove you. They may pin you to the wall, saying, "You're going to listen to me!".(adapted)
What To Do If You Are A Victim of Domestic Violence:
It can be extremely difficult for victims to admit that domestic violence is an issue in their relationship. Even once they have admitted to themselves that there is a problem, they are often at a loss at where to turn to for help. They may be fearful of receiving a homophobic response from those they seek assistance from.
In most states, domestic violence shelters at least train their staff to be sensitive to GLBT issues when working with victims of domestic violence. In larger states, there are often domestic violence shelters just for GLBT victims.
Call your local domestic violence shelter and ask what services they offer to GLBT clients. If you aren't satisfied with what they offer, ask for a referral to a domestic violence shelter in the largest city near you.
Also, you don't have to out yourself in order to get help if you choose not to. The fact that you are a victim of domestic violence is enough for you to receive assistance. Do what you need to do to feel safe. Domestic violence advocates and counselors know that you have already been through a lot, and won't pressure you to answer questions you don't want to answer about the name or gender of your abuser.
Please don't give up in reaching out for help. Even in small towns it is possible for you to find help from people sensitive to GLBT clients.
Click on the link below to view the National Domestic Violence Hotline page, which includes an 800 number that can be called toll free from anywhere in the United States. Calls are answered in English and Spanish, with interpreters available for an additional 139 languages. They can refer you to the domestic violence services closest to you.
NCADVA, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, also has a web site with a listing of state domestic violence coalitions. A phone call to any of these coalitions will refer you to domestic violence shelters and services in your area. Click on the link below for the list of state coalitions.
NCADVA page/ List of state by state coalitions
Empower Yourself:
We believe that the more you educate yourself about domestic violence issues, the better able you are to make informed choices about your situation. Please make use of the resources available here to educate yourself, empowering yourself in the process.
Create a safety plan, know what you are going to do the next time your partner becomes physically, emotionally or verbally abusive. Put personal items such as your birth certificate, credit cards and medications all in one place so that you can quicky leave if you need to.
Remember, you are not alone. Others have gone through the pain of being in an abusive relationship, and are willing to reach out to help you.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:56 AM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:52 AM
Monday, March 22, 2004
Finished two books today:
Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
Touted as David-Sedaris like, this autobiography was disappointing. The situations and characters were interesting, but the author's approach lacked the teasing affection that pervades Sedaris' handling of his characters, as well as the cohesion of emotion and understanding of a powerful autobiography. Burroughs withheld from taking the risks needed to fully explore his memories by way of absolute emotional confrontation and disclosure.
Shopgirl by Steve Martin
Steve Martin is a comic genius not just for his clever command of words, but for his mercurial intellect, powers of observation and his gentle, modest mode of communication. This book, about the relationship between a delicate artist working at a department store glove counter and a wealthy eternal-bachelor twice her age, delivered more truth about people, relationships, love, life and being in 130 pages than I've gotten from half a decade floundering in my 20s. The way we miscommunicate, the way we mistake our needs, the fact that we don't always know what we want when we believe that we do...Martin has a way of nailing the essence of the mysteries of mating with his dead-on, incisive prose. I read this in a few days and was riveted by each and every sentence, laughing outloud countless times. The insight and observation are brilliant. I can't do this book justice. Just read it.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:15 PM
Got my first booty call on Friday. 2:20:20 AM. Thankfully, I was asleep already.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:09 PM
Saturday, March 20, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:58 AM
Friday, March 19, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
5:19 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
2:26 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Monday, March 15, 2004
Saturday, March 13, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:09 PM
Labels: true stories
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:52 PM
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:40 AM
Friday, March 12, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Good times at work
The sales boys and I were talking about my wanting to go to spring break somewhere for young booty and E was making fun of the fact that young booty and I just weren't gonna happen. Then suddenly, Ron yells:
We were like, what the hell?!?
I guess I was idly taking various pens and poking them into the vent holes in a computer monitor while we were talking and that was what he was referring to.
But it sure sounded like something else.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:51 AM
Monday, March 8, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
6:33 PM