Tuesday, August 31, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:29 AM
Labels: basketball
Monday, August 30, 2004
Friday, August 27, 2004
Personality Typology
Much is usually made of the Myers-Briggs method of personality typology
(to find out your personality type, take the test at http://similarminds.com/myers-briggs-jung.html)
I'm an
But in my life role as an observer, I've noticed other correlations between certain things and personality types, so I'd like to present the 3AM Wanderer's Worthless Method of Personality Typology Test.
1. Cats or Dogs?
2. Starbucks or Coffee Bean?
3. Mac or PC?
4. Forest or Ocean?
5. Sun or Rain?
6. Morning or Night?
7. Summer Winter Spring or Fall?
8. Waking or Sleep?
If you're a CSPCneitherSMwhateverW...you're an anal-retentive prick and most people hate you.
If you're a DCBMbothRNwhateverS...you're a pro-marijuana hippie living with a nudist tree colony.
Everything in between...I don't know. Make up your own shit.
I'm DCBPCFRNFS. Though I like cats and dogs and forests and oceans equally.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:44 AM
Labels: psychology
Thursday, August 26, 2004
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11:15 PM
This post is from Sunday, 8/15/04; I finally finished transcribing from my notepad.
When the Universe Echoes in Your Head Does Venice Beach
Every once in a while, I allow myself some slack in my creative endeavors and get to do one of my favorite activities. I hit a crowded place on a Sunday and fill up a whole tiny notepad (like the ones detectives carry in movies) with observations, thoughts and the usual stream of conscious erraticism that spasms through my brain.
Today, I hit Venice Beach. I walked the entire stretch, scrawling in my notebook until it was filled. Here is a narrative of my afternoon, probably intolerably confusing, recorded and represented by the contents of my notepad.
I like the warmth of black people. The assumed intimacy, for better or for worse.
there's some guy in front of the Titanic store (they sell Cowboy hats and somewhat European looking men's clothes). He's doing a male tribal dance of sauve masculinity set to drum n' bass music (aka the male stripper dance), flexing his pecs and holding "sexy" poses. I want to laugh but I'm afraid because he seems really serious about this. I'm curious how this guy can go home after hours of doing this and take himself seriously. He ends every dance by flashing a business card next to a matching large poster of an ad. I think I get it. This is the male interpretive tribal dance of advertising? Fuck, man. Is this what our civilization is coming to?
(why does everything end in, 'wanna go home and fuck,' with you?)
He saw her watching. Taking everything in.
-Where're you from?
-Minnesota, she said.
-Oh. I have a friend in Minnesota.
-I'm not actually from Minnesota.
It's a different community out her in Venice. There's a lot of soul. I like it. Here, you can be invisible. No strict rules of behavior. Total immunity to be yourself. For me, it is to observe. To absorb. To appreciate.
(Craig's List is an internet hippy community)
This blinged out black kid wearing nearly all powder blue head to foot walks by with this tall, beautiful girl in tiny daisy dukes. Three black guys pass by, going in the other direction. As they pass, neither party makes eye contact--despite being highly aware of each other, they refuse to admit the other's presence. When the kid with the girl is a few yards behind, the three guys immediately talk with bravado and in detail about the nasty things they'd do to that girl, like this was their egos' needed ritual to show disrespect towards the Alpha male and to reconfirm their masculinity.
I find indecipherable handwriting to be intriguing. It is like a code that only a select few can interpret.
I'm looking at Matthew Perry and a pretty dark-haired girl. His body, though lean, is long and gangly, like a boy's body still stuck in that awkward high school phase. What stands out about him is the obvious care he takes with his skin, but his hair is mildly thinning.
It always freaks me out what kinds of things people carry in their purses. So I go out of my way not to look.
I'm watching a band. The guy with the maracas doesn't even look human. With his long shaggy white hair and beard and floppy green hat framing a rubbery red face, he looks like a muppet.
Go out anywhere where there are people and you will see vibrant, beautiful, ALIVE people. How can this not make you absolutely fall in love with this world?
this dancing couple glows with happiness. I can't stop watching.
People from the midwest have a more narrow focus to their psychic scope, a hardness to them. They are more aware of the need to be aware of physical survival due to the cold climate, and it's prevalent in the way they carry themselves. People from the west coast don't really have to worry about physical survival because everything is so easy. You can probably find examples of these disparate temperaments in animals living in warm and cold climates as well.
The toothless psychic. She freaks me out a little. I mean, she's toothless. What is it about people who are toothless that makes a person so uneasy?
Psychics? I believe in the ability to see. But I don't believe in the business of telling everybody. It kind of really pisses me off actually. They're messing with a lot of people's hopes and life paths when they claim to be able to see everything about everybody. It doesn't work that way. Psychic ability is a focused connection. You can only see certain things for certain people, and you can only interpret as far as your own personal perspective. Psychic communication is a private, intimate affair.
(For the Rules of Psychic Intuition, see 3rd Post from Jan. 26th, 2004)
a 6'5 fat guy wearing an Iverson jersey just doesn't look right.
Watch couples walk. Sometimes the guy is pulling the pace to a quicker speed, walking in front of the girl, and sometimes they are shoulder to shoulder at both slow, ambling and quick, focused strides. Says a lot about the balance in the relationship. Some guys naturally do it. Just try not to allow him to walk in front. You know what? Open a door for one of those guys who insists on setting the pace a little too fast and walking ahead of a woman. It really fucks him up because he's used to and depends on a role of dominance.
I bet if I sit here long enough, I'll see someone I know. I ALWAYS run into people. It's what God blesses me with -- reconnections.
My parents really don't want me around black guys. But you don't understand. The first person I ever loved, ever felt connected to as a baby was black. And my consciousness at the time wasn't developed enough for me to have retained anything more than a fuzzy, swimming notion of that person.
My mom never understood why I love flea markets so much. It's not that I was looking for items to purchase and bring home. It was more that I wanted to look at other people's things, to find clues to put together someone's life story and to figure out how these people experienced life.
I am alive. I can feel the warm wind blowing against my cheek and my skin breathing in the goodness of it and I know it's a blessing to be alive.
People shouldn't keep pets just as accessories. It's not nice.
That's the 7-Up guy.
Some people just look crazy. I don't mean the obvious ones. The average ones. That look like every other person. Except there's something very unpredictable in their eyes.
Ah, this African American woman working as a psychic. You're the only one of them here who actually looks spiritual.
The Robot Man. Big, black, ripped. He looks like he was delicately sculpted from a block of dark chocolate.
What happens to all the people you meet in life? I know my #1 question to God when I meet him will be...what ended up happening with every single person I ever met? I want to know where life took them. Every one of them. Even the ones I had only fleeting interaction with.
I get a kick out of seeing really tall and lean people. It reminds me of the awe I felt towards trees when I was little.
I think I know why I'm fascinated with Ben Wallace's body. I feel like if I were a giant who could grab him by the waist and wave him around, he'd be like one of those crazy-sculpted He-Man action figures.
Black guys have the nicest butts, hands down. And I'm not even a butt girl.
This couple is having sex on the beach. Why do I always catch people having sex?
Fucking for love
Or fucking for money
Or fucking for fuck's sake
It's all still fucking.
Excuse me. Why do you look so sad?
I was dying to ask him. I watched him walk by and I realized I could either run after him, or never see him again, and thus, never find out why this man looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
There are the boys who figure things out faster--that a guy should go out with the fat girls because it's the fat girls who can be pressured into putting out. And then they end up being fathers at 15.
I'm searching for the stranger with the eyes that I will recognize.
I told myself there is fun left to be had; the sun had not yet set .
When the sun sets and the throngs leave, and it's just you nestled between the sky and the sand with the ocean lulling you to sleep, it's like paradise here.
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3am wanderer -
8:09 PM
Labels: social experiments
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11:47 AM
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8:57 AM
Labels: psychology
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
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8:09 PM
A great post from Margaret Cho about feeling alone in a crowd and about the benefits of listening to someone with a different perspective.
If I had my way, I would be able to talk to everyone I ever meet who intrigues me, and take my time with comfortable conversation to ask them about their lives, their experience of life and what they love, hate, fear, etc. Just so I can understand a wide range of individual, separate life paths and really feel where different people come from. I think that maybe it's hard in Los Angeles, because people are so wary and suspicious--they expect that you want something, or that you will use what you learn about them against them, or worst of all, that you are trying to manipulate a false intimacy a la Fatal Attraction and will end up going nuts and cooking their pets.
I've never cooked anyone's pets or taken advantage of people or disrespected the details in which people have been gracious enough to share with me. But I have to say that when you meet people and they open themselves up to you so that you can understand their lives, how they think and the places they've come from and survived, you really can't help but love people. It's a beautiful intimacy, to understand someone.
I honestly don't see myself ever settling down into a relationship or marriage because I don't really have a lot of sexual motivation or desire to funnel all my love into one sector. If I love someone, male or female, I consider them like family and will do anything for them, but it's a blanket love--if I respect you and think you're a good person, I'll care about you; but I won't want a whole lot back because I don't want expectations of commitment that I can't fulfill. I think my basic nature is that I want to love people and care about people and understand people, and obviously, I want people to reciprocate along the same lines, but I never feel comfortable with people getting close to me, and then getting upset because I go out and am in general, just in love with mankind.
Addendum: It's the disappearing acts. I'm prone to disappearing for stretches of time and not returning phone calls/emails because I just need to be alone and to have things really quiet while I recharge. And I feel guilty about it a lot, but it doesn't change the fact that I need it.
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3am wanderer -
9:53 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
For August - No More Sex Life
One year ago, my roommate, Brian, moved in. He was quickly inducted into the experience of a Michael Summer Break Visit, which resulted in Michael's infamous post-it on my fridge, "For August - No More Sex Life."
( See 8/25 Posting.)
Michael is staying with me again. And Brian just came into my office to mention that one year later, Michael's here again, it's August, and still...no sex life for us.
Gosh. That's really sad.
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9:21 PM
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9:09 PM
Monday, August 23, 2004
8/23 Recap
Some quick notes before I'm out for the night to watch Love Actually...
-Check out Jamie Taylor's blog http://jwt92.blogspot.com/ . He's an eloquent old soul who writes great poetry and has a lot of wisdom and insight for someone so young.
-Speaking of new sites, Amber has created a web shrine to...Terri's boobs. http://terrisboobs.blogspot.com . The fact that I don't find the fact that she made this site to be disturbing, is in fact, disturbing to me.
-I'm reading My Dark Places, an autobiography by James Ellroy (LA Confidential), detailing his mother's brutal murder, his turbulent life after and his efforts years later as an adult to investigate her killing. It's a really quick read--it'll probably have taken me no more than 7-8 total reading hours to finish by the time I'm done--but really intriguing and haunting. He's really candid about his own personal hell; this book is ridiculously disturbing but so incredibly psychologically interesting. You have to give him props for his willingness to share. I met him a few years ago when he and Curtis Hanson were promoting LA Confidential. I was there to interview Curtis, who introduced me to him. I remember him being really tall with an intimidating presence. He was a nice looking man from a distance, but when he cast his gaze on you up close, there was something unsettling about his eyes...they were so penetrating and haunting that to this day, I don't remember anything else about that night or interview but I still remember his eyes.
-I'm also reading The Dive from Clausen's Pier by Ann Packer, about a girl's life after her high school sweetheart fiance is paralyzed in a diving accident. It's a really rich novel about love, obligation, sacrifices and the choices a person needs to make for the sake of his or her own life journey. I highly recommend it.
-Dubya needs to SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.
Today's mood: gottatrunkfullaampsmuthafucker
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9:17 PM
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8:58 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
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10:25 PM
Friday, August 20, 2004
"Would You Date A Guy Who's Bi?" Part II:
The Most Amusing Lunch Hour a Girl Could Ask For
So I ran into that one freaky lawyer again. No, not the good-freaky lawyer. The bad one who was cute and coming on strong, but who I didn't want anything to do with when I found out he had a girlfriend. And then he ended up telling me that he had given/received blowjobs from guys.
So I run into him and we're small-talking and he cuts to the chase... "What are you doing tonight?"
"My brother's in town."
"That's too bad. I thought maybe we could get together."
[I smile, amused, and say...]
"I don't know what your deal is yet."
"What do you mean?"
"Last time we talked, we were gonna get together, but then you told me you had a girlfriend, and then you told me you go down on guys."
"As I recall, you were the one who had a problem with me having a girlfriend."
"So how is she?"
"She's out of town this week."
"Of course she is. So you still playing around behind her back with boys and girls?"
[game on! A long brooding pause. Finally, he says...]
"I'm an open-minded person and I like to experiment and try everything at least once, but I can say that I really, really don't find sleeping with men that attractive."
"Last time I talked to you, you were getting blowjobs."
"I'd say I've progressed a little past that since we last spoke."
"How so."
"I've given a few and I got fucked once."
"Oh yeah? How was it?"
"It was fun."
"But you're not attracted to men."
[he doesn't answer. I say...]
"I think the idea of two guys fucking is hot."
"Oh yeah? You ever watch?"
"I've only seen video clips. My roommate's into tits and I watch gay porn. How funny is that?"
[His eyes instantly look mildly feverish]
"What if I came over and I fucked your roommate while you watched?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, totally."
"No way."
"Why not. It'd be really fun. For all of us."
"Because it's weird."
"I think you'd like it."
"You're not coming over."
"Why not."
"Because my roommate has standards."
That's when I had to end the conversation because, obviously, the conversation was getting really weird. I mean, it started off weird, but it was going off the charts. This guy is totally clean-cut, normal-looking, intelligent, abercrombie-ish cute (if you can look past the intellectual-commando litigator swagger). You would never suspect he was such a cheating bastard. I get such a kick out of how open he is about this stuff, but I guess I bring out the honesty in people. Haha, this guy is gonna be the governor of New Jersey someday.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:56 AM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
The Most Serene Republic of Shets and Giggles
Following a link on Mr. Spencer Watson's site (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi), I created a mock nation for some simulation game.
Let me acquaint you with my nation (the computer wrote the description based on my answers to a questionaire. My FAVORITE line is the last line):
Name: The Most Serene Republic of Shets and Giggles
National Motto: "Do it like the monkeys."
UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Reasonable
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Location: the South Pacific
The Most Serene Republic of Shets and Giggles is a tiny, devout nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Religion & Spirituality, Law & Order, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 29%, but much higher for the wealthy. A very small private sector is dominated by the Trout Farming industry.
Crime is moderate. Shets and Giggles's national animal is the volkswagon bus, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the children.
It's Time for a Vacation
I just paid off most of my estimated taxes for the year so now that I'm short on cash, I spent yesterday afternoon looking up vacation spots for young singles (as you all know, I prefer to travel alone, for a variety of reasons). Apparently, this activity so exhausted/depressed me, that I went home and slept for 13 hours.
Some great great resources for you guys:
Contiki Vacations (www.contiki.com) offers travel packages for 18-35 year olds. That means, you don't end up surrounded by the elderly and families. A friend of mine went to Europe with them and she said it was awesome; she met a lot of cool people and hooked up a lot. The bad news, from what I gather on their message boards, is that you end up with a lot of dumb 18 year-olds who have never been away from home (aka expect stupid drama and babysitting), and predatorial 35 year-old men asking said 18 year-olds if they have boyfriends.
They own a resort on the Greek island of Mykonos (http://www.contikiresorts.com/mykonos/). It's like year-round Spring Break in the Mediterranean. I, personally, would rather be on a tiny tropical island with all of the male Olympic athletes (which was what I dreamed about last night, thus, staying in bed for 13 hours), but I guess this is second best.
And this brings me to the fabled Pink Palace, another beachside resort in Greece, which I read about in college (www.thepinkpalace.com). It's supposedly the most debauched place on earth, where young people from all over the world come to drink, party and have lots and lots and lots of sex. And wear togas. This place seems a little too much for me; I'd like to at least pretend that I'm on a normal vacation. But it's the place I recommended to my coworker, who saw me looking up the Mykonos resort and was trying to convince me that we should go together and pass ourselves off as a swinging couple to get more sex. I really didn't see how that arrangement would benefit me, considering his reasoning was that, if we encountered a hot couple, he would use me to lure away the boyfriend so he could get with the girl. He offered, "But you'd have a pimp" as a benefit, but unless I'm getting some major money and bling, I think this deal rather sucks.
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8:51 AM
Monday, August 16, 2004
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2:03 PM
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1:51 PM
Court TV has published the phone transcripts from the Scott Peterson case. Here's a link to the latest transcript. He's really elusive when he's talking to her. I wonder what he means when he's talking about the things that he's already told the police and the family that he can't tell her about, but that will all make sense when Laci is found.
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1:14 PM
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9:32 AM
This site is really entertaining:
It combines my favorite internet people (psycho)-watching activity - Craig's List Missed Connections - with celebrity gossip/rants.
Hey Whit, read the Zach Braff post...
Remember when we saw him on that Scrubs panel at the Museum of Radio/Television a few years ago? Remember when he told that story about nurses stopping him at a restaurant and saying they were really big fans of the show, and then the other people on the panel made fun of him by saying that he just told that story so he could mention starstruck nurses? I remember thinking, this is a guy who will totally turn slutty when fame gets him what he can get.
As a supplementary note, I saw Michael Moore this weekend. I was sitting on a lawn people-watching and he and another guy were walking by, deep in conversation. At first, I didn't recognize him. I glanced over and saw a sloppy fat guy in a hat and glasses and my first thought was (I swear to God), "That guy looks perverted." Then I suddenly realized who he was and as he walked by, I noticed that he was grotesquely fat (he was wearing sweatpants). He looked like the kind of guy that a girl out alone would steer clear of and avoid conversation with at all costs.
Again, it doesn't take away from his brilliance or my admiration of his determination and focus in his films. But it just reminds me that it's important, in how we view all people, to separate what they create and accomplish (as well as our admiration of those things) with the people themselves. Confusing these things is a tragic setup for unnecessary and unfair disillusionment and disappointment.
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8:57 AM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
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7:30 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Friday, August 13, 2004
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
No Cowbells For YOU...
Yes!!! Send Chris Webber AWAY.
I have only one trade scenario to offer:
LA Lakers - Lakers send Vlade. Kings send The Crybaby. Pros: Vlade arrives back in Sac and, "Just kidding," we find that he was only doing what was best for The Kid (Peja) and the team. In an ingenious plot, Vlade has managed to rid Sac of the Hobbling Ego that will never ever ever carry any team into that Press Conference at the end of the Tunnel. Peja is reunited with his beloved "I Love It When You Call Me" Big Poppa. Fueled by the summer disaster of nearly losing Vlade, he goes on to have a superstar season. Remember last year when he carried the Kings after Bobby J. and CWebb were out? When the Kings played like a team and didn't have to run things through the Ego down low who could barely make it up and down the court? Yeah. A "team" with Chris Webber is like a "romantic" dinner with a big steaming pile of crap in the middle of the table--it's disqualified by its very definition. A championship will never happen as long as Webber or anyone else believes he's going to be the one to deliver the championship. Vlade, Peja, Bobby, Bibby, Miller, Christie, that rookie who looks like Christie and a Webber-less supporting cast means a team without the "Me" and a promising run in the West. Meanwhile, Kobe and Chris Webber, who by heaven and hell absolutely deserve each other, have to share the ball and the locker room. A bidding war ensues and Fox wins the rights to the reality show that follows Chris and Kobe as they learn that there is life on earth beyond themselves. The following season, Fox brilliantly joins the forces of Chris and Kobe with that of Paris and Nicole, sending them off on an iceberg to Antarctica. No cameras, no show. Just a gift to the rest of humankind. Cons: What cons?!? In my head, this trade is already done.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
4:40 PM
Labels: basketball
Monday, August 9, 2004
streamed by
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7:06 PM
I love Koko.
I think the fact that we can teach a gorilla to communicate is amazing. Once that first step towards establishing a frame of reference for communication is made, everything else can fall into place. It's that first step that sets up understanding that's key. Like how European settlers were able to establish communication with the American Indians, which has always fascinated me. I know I'm obsessed with communication and its means and possibilities, but I feel like the same principles in which we can find a common ground of understanding between humans and a gorilla can be used in finding a common ground with autistic people, or those whose perceptions exist differently from the majority.
They say that my brother is an extraordinary case because he's PDD but can understand the connection between emotion as the murky, amorphous shades of color, texture and feeling from within, and the two-dimensional symbols which they are represented by and referred to within communication. But it took a long time, and a lot of patience in trying to figure out what symbols meant to him and what meanings he attached to things, in order to flip that switch that made him understand what was represented by what. It all comes down to that first step, that first epiphany regarding relationships of symbols and what they represent, when we realize a=1, b=2, etc., forming some sort of constant for interpretation, then everything else can be deciphered.
By the way, English was created by idiots.
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3:43 PM
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8:57 AM
Friday, August 6, 2004
My review of Collateral:
Tom Cruise puts in a solid bid for the Best Running Oscar, while Jamie Foxx is in the fight of his life against getting cockblocked. This movie was low on suspense and high on lack of sense. For example, Tom Cruise chases Jamie Foxx through the streets of LA. Now what made that white boy think he could catch a black guy? Furthermore, what made Tom Cruise's assassin think he could find his mark, an Asian guy, in a crowded Asian dance club? Hell, I don't think even I could find a specific Asian guy in a crowded Asian dance club. Unless maybe...if he were wearing a blindingly white shirt and had a glaring spotlight on him. Oh wait, he WAS wearing a blindingly white shirt with a glaring spotlight on him? My bad.
Today I had a shitty day. Shitty in that, the weirdest things kept happening. Weird unpleasant things. But that's okay. You know how they say that when you lose money (like lose your wallet, or money falls out of your pocket), you're actually kind of paying off that great wheel of fortune to prevent something really bad from happening? Well, I think sometimes when you have shitty days and weird things happen to you, and by weird, I mean like, things that bystanders point and snicker about, you're putting a down payment on being protected from something really bad, like being maimed in an accident.
I also want to confess about something that I found kind of creepy from last weekend. I was at a club downtown and this guy started banging a girl in a dark corner nearby. He and I made eye contact and he recognized me as the girl he had tried to talk to earlier in the night. So he points at me and growls, "You..." Grinning with his eyes fixed on me, he hits her harder and more deliberately as if to say, "This could have been you." I left soon thereafter. It made me feel really dirty.
Today's mood: Afraid of full moons and black cats
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11:08 PM
Thursday, August 5, 2004
Peja is demanding a trade: http://msn.foxsports.com/story/2643502
Obviously, the kid misses Vlade.
So I just about salivated over the thought of one of my favorite players, the best pure shooter in the NBA, going to a team with a quality big guy.
Here are my scenarios:
1. Miami - Miami sends Eddie Jones, Dorell Wright and a 1st rd draft pick. Pros: Can you imagine that team? You've got the big guy with the inside game (Shaq), the Kamikaze who can pass or penetrate (Wade) and the pure shooter (Peja). This team will FUCK. YOU. UP. Sac gets another pure shooter. Dorell is a project, but he's young. Cons: Eddie's ridiculous contract. Eddie is old and injury proned. Miami gets the better deal.
2. Portland - Portland sends Shareef, DA and scrub for Peja and Christie. Pros: Shareef has made it very clear he is not putting on a Blazer uniform, so Portland has itself a "situation." Christie, while an club favorite, has been shopped around this off season. Assuming that Bobby Jackson is healthy next year, they get another scorer in DA, but will miss Christie's defense. Nevertheless, Shareef bolsters the frontcourt exponentially more than Ostertag will. Portland's starting 5: Mighty Mouse/Van Exel, Christie, Peja, Zack Randolph, Ratliff. They're young and competitive, with weapons on both ends of the court. Cons: Shareef plays the same position as a little crybaby named CWebb. They could move him to the 3 spot, but that's what pissed him off about playing in Portland. He's a post-up guy who is too good to come off the bench.
3. Houston - Houston sends Jimmy Jackson, Reece Gaines and a draft pick. Pros: Sacramento likes Jimmy, Reece has played extremely well in summer league, etc. but more importantly, how SICK would it be to have a lineup of T-Mac, Peja and Yao?!? Cons: Yeah, right. Jimmy is great but getting up in the years. Reece has yet to prove anything in the league. Sac would give up a star for a has-been and a possible bust.
4. Seattle - Seattle sends Ray Allen, Radman. Sac sends Peja and Songaila. Pros: Allen and Peja are the two best shooters in the NBA. So it's an even swap. Seattle would like to get rid of Radman though. Cons: Peja is gonna have a shitty time in Seattle. They've got no big guys. Every single shot of his is going to get contested.
5. Golden State - GS sends Jason Richardson and Mike Dunleavy. Pros: Sac gets an energy guy who keeps the fans excited and gets the merchandise (read: $$) off the shelves. Dunleavy is developing nicely and is versatile. He can play 4 positions and will fit in nicely with Sac's team mentality. Plus, these two can commiserate with CWebb about escaping the horror that is the Golden State organization. Golden State is also in desperate need of a pure / clutch shooter. Cons: GS has no offensive threat in the frontcourt. Troy Murphy is underrated and really bangs down there, but he also plays a lot facing the basket. GS would need an intimidating force of some kind in the paint to pull the pressure off of Peja. Just like in Seattle, every shot of his is going to get contested. At least he has a better supporting cast though, in GS. And he would be the uncontested star here.
6. Cleveland - Cavs send Ilgauskas and Dajuan Wagner. Wagner is a bit like Bobby Jackson when he's healthy. He's quick and can score at will. Ilgauskas, also when healthy, is a damn good center and shoots his free throws pretty well. A lineup of Snow, LeBron, Peja, Gooden sounds like a pretty good start. Maybe they'll be this year's Denver. Cons: Sac has too many big men. They just committed money to Ostertag. Bring in Ilgauskas and you have two very good centers (Brad Miller). Wagner would be attractive to Sac as he'd do well in the run-and-gun game, but they will be missing a reliable perimeter player.
7. LA Lakers - Lakers sign and trade Malone and Kareem Rush. Pros: Peja gets to be with Vlade, so he stops pouting. Sac gets another great shooter in Rush, as well as a veteran presence and another great big man adept at passing. Cons: This is weird. Rivals swapping stars. Again, Malone plays the same position as CWebb, the supposed "franchise player." You see a pattern here? (GET RID OF WEBBER! NO TEAM WILL RIDE TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP ON HIS SHAKY LEGS AND SHAKIER HEART) Trading your star for a guy who will come off the bench? (As Malone would behind Webber) No way. Sac would probably prefer Odom and Rush. But it's not likely they'd be willing to let the Lakers have one of their best players.
8. New Jersey - Nets send Kidd. Pros: Peja goes to the East Coast so he doesn't terrorize Sac. Kidd comes to the West Coast so he doesn't terrorize New Jersey. Kidd is somewhat close to his hometown, to which he has wanted to return. Cons: Both teams would give themselves big problems. Sac would have the best backcourt in the NBA with Kidd, Bibby, Jackson and Christie in rotation. New Jersey would have Peja, who plays the same position as Jefferson, but no point guard. More likely, NJ would want Bibby to be included, but Sac would want Jefferson. A swap of each teams PGs and SFs? Well, it's a possibility. But a highly unlikely possibility.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
5:04 PM
Labels: basketball
Great article with Zach Braff about Garden State:
Today I took a ridiculous spill. I went to the chiro this morning and on my way back to work, I stopped by Starbucks to see if any of the gang was working. I was walking back to my car when I tripped about 5 feet away on an uneven crack in the parking lot pavement. This is a slow-motion breakdown of the following sequence:
1. I pitched across the lot, flinging the contents of my cup against my door which I had just had detailed, along with the rest of my car, spraying it with coffee before...
2. Momentum carried me along the projectile of my cup until my shoulder clunked against the side of the door.
3. I managed to gain some footing in an effort to at the very least, not end this graceful sequence by crumbling to the ground, but as I put my weight down on my left foot, my ankle twisted out from under me, and I went spinning the other way, landing on the cushion that is my right knee cap.
Thankfully, an Escalade was blocking the store's view of me so no one really saw, except for the woman in the Escalade, whose adorable son had just thrown a tin cannister of mints in my face a few minutes before while waiting in line. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she asked. "No ma'am," I said, crawling into my car. It's just my pride.
I'm an idiot.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:32 PM
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
9:22 PM