I think T-Mac's gay. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Monday, February 6, 2006
2/6/06 Updates, Observations and One Exclamation About Another Woman's Boobs
I watched the Super Bowl yesterday at AD's fresh new digs in Culver City with a fully stocked bar, pool table, and dunkable basketball hoop in the backyard-turned-obstacle course when you're trying to keep the ball from rolling too close to a monstrous pile of poop. I had bet $40 on Seattle, which incidentally was the money I bet online in the preseason last year that the Suns would win the Pacific Division. Needless to say, I lost it all, thanks to some shoddy calls by the refs. Honestly, I'm really upset about the supposedly touchdown by Big Ben. It was a great block, in my opinion. But what do I know about football. I drafted 4 quarterbacks and 3 kickers on my very first fantasy team this year.
I think I forgot to mention on my blog that I went to China over Christmas. It was great and I highly recommend hiking the Great Wall which is both wondrous, mind-blowing, and a great workout for the calves, thighs and buns. Michael almost got beaten up by an angry Chinese mob then thrown into a Communist prison...I think it will take me a very long time to be able to talk about that incident, and I suspect that whole thing is why I haven't found the will to blog about the trip. But overall, it was great...the squat toilets are absolutely disgusting, the food is cheap and good, the meat is mysterious, the sites are beautiful and interesting, and Shanghai is a Space City. Oh. And beer is 33 cents a can.
We have basically finished filming the short film for better or for worse...the pickup shoot was on January 21st, and it went incredibly well despite the 20 degree weather and shooting from 11am until 4am outdoors. We needed/wanted about 53 shots to give us the coverage needed to edit everything, and we got 38. As they say, we didn't get everything we wanted, but we got what we needed to put together a film. Now it's a race against the clock to finish post, since our sound designer is leaving the country for months at the end of February, so we have to get that all settled. Which reminds me, I have to find a composer ASAP. This whole movie has been really stressful, as indie productions are when you don't have the manpower to cover all the individual duties and very few people have to wear too many hats. I had been having intense stomach and chest pains last month during the preparation for the shoot that miraculously disappeared after the shoot. Which was unfortunate because it took me about a month to get in to see my doctor, so when I finally got an appointment 5 days after the shoot, I was feeling fine and couldn't convince him that anything was wrong with me. No pain equals no drugs and by that I mean, no case for medical marijuana.
Reggie and I went through a rough spot that had a lot to do with the fact that we work together on so many projects and spend almost all of our time outside of our respective jobs together because of them. Mix that in with my commitment reluctance, his fear of abandonment and the fact that he's a couple person and I'm a lone wolf, and we were all kinds of unhappy-with-each-other-all-up-in-here. We went on a break that did or did not allow me to hit on certain people depending on how you interpreted the break (he wasn't interested), and now we're working on boundaries that will hopefully help out.
Now we're concentrating on the lemonade (we're in 3 more stores and on the set of CSI) and the business plan for the restaurant. I'm taking a class in restaurant operations and have 3 classes starting up next week (web design, accounting, corporations). And I hope as soon as I get a handle on the workload, I can get a job at Starbucks to experience their training program and get an inside look at their operations and corporate structure.
I'm starting to wonder how my full-time job is going to work around this, both in terms of time and desire. At work, I feel like that wife who's been punched too many times in the head...I just walk around dazed and scared of leaving the kitchen (aka breakroom). Actually, I'm usually holed up in my office, sometimes with the lights off, just trying to motor through stuff, hoping it'll make the days pass faster. But I think at some point, there's not going to be enough time or energy in the day to do everything, and I'm going to have to make a decision. And I'm going to have to face the fact that I'm a whore for a skimpy paycheck, and decide if I have the guts to go without a net.
In the meantime, I'm back in the universe of 24 obsession. Jack Bauer has to be the baddest-ass ever to hit the screen. "The only reason you're still conscious is because I don't want to carry you." That's what I tell my coworkers now whenever they piss me off.
Which leads me to...did anyone see that episode where Jack asks his girlfriend to come pick up her son who he'd kidnapped in a helicopter when he caught the kid spying on him? You know when they first show up in that parking lot and he goes, there's your mom, and they show her standing outside her car? Her assets are unignorably massive. I said to Reggie, "Oh my god, her boobs are huge!" They were the equivalent of that rack of ribs that tips over Fred Flinstone's car. Anyway, I read the Television Without Pity recap of the episode today, and sure enough, I wasn't the only one who noticed it because the recapper wrote:
He and Derek have arrived at the parking lot, Kiefer pulls into a spot and says, "There's your mom." He somehow manages not to say, "There's your mom's boobs." I'm not much of a breast man, but those things are visible from space right now.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:46 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
The police can do whatever they want.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
8:58 AM