i used to think it was stupid how people couldn't recognize that clark kent was superman, how a pair of glasses could render superman invisible. today i wonder if maybe this is based on a phenomenon that's real.
today i went to a toastmasters division competition. the understanding i had was that i would probably never see these people again. the message had been delivered to those it was intended for. the messenger is to stay out of the way of the work of the message. but i wanted to know. and i wanted to be supportive of this group that had accepted me for a few weeks.
the room was bright and fluorescent-lit, unforgiving. sometimes the best way to hide is out in the open. i wore my hair up and glasses. i've been told when i do this, i look like a different person. wore stylish, texturized solids, rich and earthy for the sake of blending into the background, but potentially stunning if you notice. sat directly behind everyone from my chapter, my knees inches from our treasurer's back who was sitting in front of me. gray wool socks with black loafers, his feet nervously jiggle when he sits. yet he looks like a dancer gliding with animal grace, every movement lyrical when he walks. why?
i focused on a reality in which i believed i didn't know anyone here, that i was consciously, a complete stranger to this place and these people. cloaked myself in blankness. hiding. a man i've truly never met sitting next to me noticed me; he kept pretending to crane to look at the guy on the other side of me, taking a long lingering look at my face as he turned his head back. i sat motionless, refusing to make eye contact. he seemed to be subtly smelling me which was making me nervous. i wondered if my perfume was too strong. if my scent was too obvious, giving me away. had i made a mistake? but the people in my group didn't see me, even though they were all in the two rows in front of me. they walked by me and even turned, facing me. i made brief eye contact with one of them when he turned to talk to the man in front of me. no spark in his eyes. no recognition.
i slipped out just before they announced the intermission, went to the bathroom. thought about it, that if my presence had actually been noticed without me realizing, then i probably come off very strange. figured i should probably mingle.
when i walked up to the group at the intermission, it became clear no one knew i had been there the whole time. they were really surprised and happy. some looked confused, like they weren't sure if it was me, like they weren't sure what to make of me. that was the point though, wasn't it? my sharp entrance into their lives? my vanishing? wasn't that what i wanted, what i'm always obsessing about, to make sure they didn't become attached to the messenger and lose the message? no, it's not what i want, because underneath it all, i'm lonely and i want people to know and understand all levels of me. but i don't want to let people get attached, pin their hopes and dreams or feelings on me because i don't know where life will take me and my commitment first and foremost is to this journey.
the person who hadn't recognized me earlier despite making eye contact made a happy sound when he recognized me. he looked at me in amazement, like i was someone he never thought he would see again, when in walks a ghost. he grabbed my hand with both of his, shaking vigorously and refusing to let go. in chinese, this means gratitude. in white people, i'm not sure what this means. it's really really good to see you. really good to see you, he kept saying. his whole body crackled with anxious energy, his eyes never broke contact. like he was assuring himself this moment was real. if i could trust that this man weren't a drowning man looking for an audience, i can feel the message for him on the edge of my mental horizon that could guide him towards the peace he secretly wants if he could let go of the drama he openly craves. but his desperation makes me very cautious. i can not trust that he won't eventually lash out at me.
they didn't know i had been there the whole time. they thought i had just shown up. they were surprised i'd been there for a while. i didn't even know you were right behind me, one man said. i didn't recognize you, said another.
but one of them did. i knew that he knew more about me than the others, but i didn't acknowledge this or show awareness out of politeness, keeping my expressions open but neutral. two poker projections facing off, both with secrets, both hard to read. but i did have questions, questions that i would never bring up openly unless the subject were put on the table. other people were talking to me so it was hard to get space to talk to him, to feel him out. i was curious to understand what he thinks he knows, what he was hoping to find. maybe he's not even aware of what exactly drives his curiosity, so these questions may not even matter. does he want a message, or is he like me, two travelers in an undeveloped foreign land, realizing we look the same under our masks, but only acknowledging our hidden selves in psychic nods and winks? or is this just lower vibration human complication to be avoided at all costs?
glasses. hair up. one mind's focused projection bending the perceived reality of others. like with mirrors. like in magic.
an illusion.
for a short period of time, i walked among the living without their awareness.
overall a fun evening, interesting experiment, and an overwhelming tinge of loneliness and loss on the drive home.
i am empty when i am alone.
lost without a reflection.
a shadow without identity.
a messenger serving a voice i've never met.
i am a ghost.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
last night i admitted to someone that i am a ghost.
i knew he was going to ask me out. it had been brewing for a few months. but i have been switching up my schedule so that people can't find me, and i had been deflecting his feeler inquiries into my status because i've been working really hard lately on whatever it is i'm working on, focusing my energy, understanding personal power and my path. i have to stay focused. but he finally did it. he was polite about it, a little awkward. and his energy felt kind, so i never like to discourage anyone who is kind and positive by nature. so i agreed, looking forward to it as much as i was apprehensive. would i be able to act like a normal human being, not revealing too much about this other side of me? would i be fun and interesting and lighthearted, considering i've been intensely plumbing the spiritual depths for so long? would i come off like a sex-craved animal considering i'm going at least 10 months strong on withholding sex from myself? would i sexually assault him? is that necessarily a bad thing?
we went to dinner and had pleasant conversation. small talk. i was still safe. normal flirting, i was interesting, funny, letting him make tiny discoveries that i am full of surprises. remembering that i'm a very good first date. he surprised me as well. intelligent, cultured, a soothing comfortable energy. he dropped compliments that he found me attractive. then religion came up. i was cautious. said i was spiritual, but not religious, but i appreciated religion as a way for people to find their path to spirituality, the way some people didn't need to go to college to be successful in their career path, while others used college to help them gain the knowledge to where they wanted to go. i didn't believe in religion as the end all be all because i felt it was a method to achieve spirituality, and i definitely didn't believe in any religion that spouted obedience by manipulating people's fear and shame. but i believed that there is a greater power, and that we all belong to it as much as it belongs to us. he said that he believed jesus is the way. the subject passed.
we went to a piano bar. it was a really good time. he really wanted to get me drunk. 4 tequila shots, the only thing that doesn't make me sick. defenses failing. true self coming out. i wanted to kiss him, even though i wasn't sure if i liked him in a way in which i wanted to build anything together, where i could commit to showing up and consistently being the same person. it's strictly chemicals coursing through my blood. like i said, sometimes it's like that with me. born on venus raised on mars. primal mentality. almost a years worth of sexual energy pent up to force creative output, but still crafty about a more electric release. but it's just about the release, the conquest. one and done. catch and release. never hunt and kill, but still...a loss of interest. leave and move on to another chase. cast a cheap pallor on everything else exchanged that had actually been sincere and real. so i withheld myself.
he is circling closer. he says he's blown away, that he liked me before, but now that he's discovered this whole other spiritual side to me, he's blown away. uh oh. he sees. i might freak you out, i say. nothing you could say or do could freak me out, he says. don't say i didn't warn you, i say.
we go back to his place. turn down the lights. turn on some music. relax. he does not come on to me. he gives me my space so i am not scared. so the words come. the words come like a broken radio i can't turn off because it's not plugged in. he sat there, fixated, motionless. words going by that made sense to him, about his childhood, his life experience, his purpose. things that i didn't know why i seemed to know, thoughts, ideas and observations that seemed to come from someone who knew him better than i did, and i was just a 3rd party listening in on this conversation.
i was explaining to him that he's a special person, that he's had a hard life but having gone to hell and back, having looked at utter destruction of the self dead in the face and facing a decision to give up on yourself or save yourself because you realize you care about yourself, you're stronger. you've learned what true courage is, and that you have it in you. because you looked death in the eye and you said, i want to live. and after that, you know that nothing can hurt you, that there's nothing in this world that you could ever be afraid of. don't be afraid to stand up and be amazing. be amazing in your own unique way, because every single person in this world has a special talent. it may not look like mine, it may not look like other people's that you admire, but you have something to offer this world that only you have, so you have to show people. in fact, i don't know what it is, but i know you do. he nodded. don't doubt yourself, i said. your path is to share your exceptionalness with those around you, so that they can also recognize their own power, and so they can pass along the knowledge.
these words. these words and phrases and ideas. they just kept spilling out from a place close to the right side of my head and out of my mouth. i was surprised by how wise and confident they were, considering i had no control over them and didn't feel like i was making things up, performing a magic trick. this was making sense to him. what was happening in the moment, was completely unexpected, but we both could feel it was important. and i was learning from these words at the same time he was absorbing it.
when i was done, he bowed his head, processing. then he looked up and said, "thank you. i am grateful that you chose to communicate with me." i said your welcome.
but then the other part of me got conscious, insecure. "that was weird, what just happened, right?"
he smiled and nodded sincerely. "yeah, that was definitely unusual and unique."
i was a little embarrassed and a little terrified. "i don't know how i do that. it's like something is speaking through me and just using me to deliver it."
"i think god speaks through you." he was serious.
"i don't know where it comes from, but i know it's a positive energy that changes people's lives."
he takes his time to gather his thoughts before he speaks, slowly.
"i know that i will remember you for the rest of my life. i will remember the time you granted to spend with me, and the message you gave me. there are times when you realize you will always remember someone, and i know, in this moment, that i will always remember you, because this has been significant."
i'm blown away. this man is so incredibly honest, and i'm grateful to him beyond words. he is looking at me in the way that i know he's surprised to suddenly find that he's in love with me, and i am suddenly feeling self-conscious, shy.
"be careful," i say.
a tiny smile around his lips. "of what?"
"i can't let anyone get close to me."
"because if i love someone, if i commit to someone, i will want to give all this energy to one person. and my gut tells me that this is selfish, to only give to one person. that i'm not living up to my potential of the positive changes i could help other people with, even though i hope that some day, this path will be complete so i can settle down and live a normal life with people close to me."
my loneliness is radiating out of my chest, overwhelming me, almost a physical sadness. a part of me wants him to say, you don't have to do this anymore...it's okay.
"you're of the wind. you're like a gypsy, going where you're needed. it's very cool. what you do is a good thing that the world needs, so it's important that you keep doing it."
my heart sinks. i wanted to be off the hook.
he looks at me for a long time, and i get a little nervous. i don't like it when people direct all their attention at me when it's just me. because i am not it. he asks me if i want any water, any ice cream, anything to make me more comfortable. he's very concerned. i tell him not to worry about me. he says, "i want to give you a present. i just don't know what yet, but i want to give you a present."
i say, "why? you don't have to give me anything."
he says, "i feel like you just gave me a lot, and i want to give you something back."
i say, "it's okay. you don't have to give me anything."
he asks me, "what do you get out of this? delivering these messages to people?"
no one has ever cared enough to ask me that. he surprises me.
"if these messages help people discover their true paths, they'll find peace and contentment in their hearts. they'll radiate love which will in turn, affect the people around them. it makes this world a better place by expanding awareness of our connections with each other, and this is important to me, because this is the path i serve. i remind people that there is a greater power out there, and not to lose faith in themselves and their own unique paths. in terms of just for me, it's like if we didn't have such things are mirrors, you would never be able to see what you look like. i have no accurate mirror. i don't understand what this is, what happens, because it's like i go into another room, but i can hear what's going on, but i can't see. i have no idea what i look like, how people perceive me, what i look like from the outside when this is happening. when i have this type of connection with someone, usually they'll give me something, a clue that helps me understand who i am, what i am. because i honestly have no idea, and it tortures me to not know what i look like. i've always felt like my life purpose, i'm searching for an answer to a question i don't even know. and i keep searching and searching. but then i meet someone and have a connection like we just did, and it's like, unexpectedly, we find that i am the answer to their question." he nods enthusiastically. "it's unbelievable but it's true," he says.
"when i tell people these things and they realize that what is happening is the answer to something they've been searching for whether or not they were conscious of it, like a key and a lock, my hope is that they've gained enough understanding to explain to me, what is the question that i have just answered? because i seem to be answering the same question, because it's similar people in similar stages of their lives that are drawn to me. that is ultimately what i'm trying to understand. it's so mysterious and frustrating. but i think that a lot of us are like that. we are the unique answers to a lot of other people's soul questions, and when we meet, the riddle is complete, even though each side doesn't necessarily know which mystery was just given light. you are the unique answer for certain people's questions, and you know this when you meet them and a whole other level reveals itself."
he nods. "thank you. thank you for spending this time with me. what you do is almost like divine communication, it's a power that comes from inside you that that is so positive and full of love, that a person who hears the message opens up and also responds to you with love. it's an incredible and beautiful experience. there is a part of me now that truly and deeply cares for you."
the me that is not fully developed hears this and gets scared, even though the higher part of me asks me to calm down. "you have to be careful. i don't know how to let people get close to me because it's terrifying to me. i try to live gently and carefully, but i've also got defenses that are not nice to keep people out that i can't control yet so i don't want to accidentally hurt you. just know that the message has nothing to do with the messenger, that i'm a fucked up flawed human being just trying to find my way like everyone else. i'm a kid...so know that what is happening is not me, but happening through me. i'm a ghost. i deliver messages and disappear. you might not ever see me again, but know that what was exchanged was real and for you."
don't become attached to me, is what i'm saying. from this point on, i can only disappoint you.
"so this may be it?" he says.
"i don't know," i say. because i really don't. we stay up until 3am, like we know, as soon as this connection is over, as soon as day breaks, the magic will be gone. and then we are again, two people, on separate paths, serving our own unique purposes.
believe in magic, is the last thing i tell him. this world is full of magic. and if you believe in it, that we can change the world with our minds, our hearts and our energy, you will meet more people just like you and i to remind you that you are not alone. you will meet those who are also hiding, thinking to themselves that they are alone in their uniqueness. the ignorant who held power have taken advantage of us when we were young, manipulating us to believe we are the lesser minority that is inferior, broken, defective, because the truth was threatening and opened up questions that they had no answers to. the truth of our difference is that we are courageous, wise, powerful and more aware of our connection to the greater entity outside of our bodies. this awareness, once embraced, makes us the shepherds for those who vibrate at lower levels and have fear in their hearts. we have power if we can focus it, to make change, to heal. believe that there are others out there, and you'll be drawn to each other, to teach and to learn, so you won't be afraid to believe in yourself and your unique purpose. don't feel alone, because you're not.
he really is a lovely person whose receptiveness and kindness allowed me to listen and learn as well. i am thankful for having met him and spent time with him.
nevertheless, i woke up this morning, melancholy, feeling like i lost something i really loved.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
he closed his eyes and tried to imagine her--the way the low timbre of her voice hinted at a bitter, brooding storm caged grudgingly just below the surface, the way she moved that was equally as terrifying as exhilarating. he wasn't sure if he could even remember what she looked like, only the dark shadow that had invaded his headspace like a fog with teeth, muting his senses whenever he looked at her, convincing him there had to be a connection, that this was all for him, perhaps willing it, like a welcomed illness or addiction. she made him feel imbalanced, uneven, kinetic--trembling on the verge of something redemptive or something tragic, either of which he was more than willing to accept as long as he could have his satisfaction. he wanted a peek behind the curtain. he wanted to consume her secrets.
i'll get inside your head if you let me, he heard her say. and then you can see, what happens to a man seduced by a ghost.
a chill ran through him, dispatched by the tiny logical minority living in his left brain that still cared about keeping his world intact. he wasn't sure if it was a wish or a surrender that had allowed the voice in, or even if the voice was just a masquerade of something surfacing within the depths of himself, pleading for a stupendously gruesome trainwreck that might shake him out of his infinite stupor. but now that she was inside him, he felt resigned to let things run its course. the muscles in his shoulders melted as he settled deeper into his office chair, his hands falling loosely above his thighs. a beacon of pulse throbbed a desperate s.o.s. into the tips of his fingers as he felt himself slip away, the words, sometimes devastation can be lyrical if you look hard enough, echoing in the space behind his ears.
it would only be a matter of time.
Today I woke up and I didn't remember who I am. Then I remembered who I am, but it wasn't the same as when I didn't remember.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:02 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
my favorite semi-urban jungle gym.
6:30 pm. i rode the bike for half an hour, and then looked for my coworker who was there for a 7:00 training appt. we go to the same gym.
i've been obsessed with who her trainer is, if she's good, and wanting to trail a session. i don't know if it's protectiveness or competiveness that's the underlying urge. this place is my 2nd home and i'm territorial. my coworker invited me to trail their workout tonight so i could copy the circuit.
i ran into her by the locker room and she got my attention with a shy wave. she said that she had been watching me. i was surprised. i hadn't seen her at all. she said that she was on the treadmill right behind me. really? i said. huh. got creepy feeling that i filed away for later.
she said that her trainer wasn't there. i asked her what she meant. she said her trainer just called her and said she couldn't make it. that's unprofessional, i said. i know, right? so they said i should see if any other trainers are free who could train me. i walked her over to the desk and she asked them about available trainers in this time slot. the guy tries to give her some chick, but i could tell from the way he said her name, it was kind of a sorry, but that's all we've got tone.
this guy, juan, we've acknowledged each other with smiles and nods for years. he knows i've been here long enough to call bullshit. i ask him, what about bobby? is bobby available. noooo, he said, like bobby's out of my coworkers league. listen, i said. i've been watching some of your trainers, and they're not watching people's form at all. that's how people get hurt, and then they get sent out back to the chiro's office. my coworker giggled. juan looked taken aback, then grinned. hey, that's my manager next to you, you have to tell him what you just said. some of these trainers aren't paying attention to form, and that's how people get hurt, i repeat, impatient. the manager shakes his head and says, sorry, some trainers just aren't as good as others.
sorry, some of our trainers just aren't as good as others.
that should be the gym's motto.
so i look at juan like, no bullshit, get someone fucking good for my coworker. so he flips through some pages and says, you know, jack over there, he's very good. he's very serious and wants things done a certain way, but he'll work you. he knows what he's doing, juan? i ask. yeah, jack is good. he waves jack over and introduces them. my coworker agrees to work out with jack.
i lose interest immediately when i see they're going to be doing legs. i don't know if you know, but i have legs like a chick running back. like, why can't i look that muscular in the area of, say, my abs? so i hate working out legs on the machines because i work them out so much in everything thing else i do. i look over and see the basketball court full, sigh, and resign myself to doing quads next to them. in the middle of my first set on my left leg (i go right for 15 then left for 15 at 35 lbs for 3 sets), her trainer walks over and runs his finger along my surgery scar and asks, what's this from? i watch his finger trace the scar on my knee and look up to see him looking me in the eyes. i narrow my eyes, hostile. don't touch me. acl, i say, and i go back to focusing on my leg with complete concentration. in the middle of my second set, my coworker asks me if i have an extra hairband. i do. i go back to the locker room to get it. when i come back, she whispers to me, my trainer says you have really strong legs.
i see they're heading for more leg machines and my body is revolting in boredom. so i tell her i'm going to go play basketball. i head to the court and there's the guy who shoots like he's cocking a handgun. he's also a domineering son of a bitch, and we play some intense one on one games. i do want to interrupt their three man game of 21 to play 2 on 2 and he tries to get me to join a 4 man game of 21. what the fuck? how does that work? so i say 2's afterwards, even though i know i totally don't have the patience today to wait for a game. i go and run on the treadmill, the intensity of running making me fantasize about how shredded this is getting my body. i get off after 2 1/2 minutes. dreams of fourpack ownership float away.
i do some back exercises, some 5 lb weight circuit, some dips and consider doing abs, settling for stretching instead because the mat is crowded. i decide to do the seated row. i realize i approach weight training the same way i approach rides at magic mountain. i just go where there's the least amount of wait until i get tired and want to go home. the trainer and coworker walk by and she says goodbye. i say, i'll walk you out. i'm bored so it's time to go home.
the trainer asks her if she would like to train with him again and she says that she would. as we walk, he sidles up next to me and with this grin, says, what about you? what about me, i say. what do you want, he says, trying to look sly. i don't need anything, i say. you've got really great legs, he says. sigh. i want this conversation to end immediately. yeah, that's all i've got, i say, dismissively...the rest of me is still gunning for that fourpack. that's not all you have, he says. i mean, you've got amazing legs like, really amazing legs. he casually gestures towards the trainers station. we've been talking about it, your legs are ridiculous. (who've been talking about it? mild feeling of alarm) but you've got a personality, and a lot of other great things going for you. you've got a great jumpshot. with a devious grin, i ask him, almost accusingly...have you been watching me?, saying it the way tim olyphant as the drug dealer in go asks katie holmes, claire...are you a virgin? he gives me this bizarre look, like a small fuse behind his pupils pops and his mouth forms a perfect 0 . no, he says quickly, then gives me a little tiny smile that doesn't convince me or him. he gives me a small embarrassed wave and says, seeya, as he hurries away.
today i also saw a group of these cocky big black ballers laughing and joking around in front of the courts. they were being obnoxiously loud like they owned the place. as i walked by them, i gave them a smirk like, yeah, i know all about you. and they all fell silent, like they were waiting to see which one of them i was giving the look to. i walked by without saying a word. that's my way of saying, shut up.
tyrannically enforced celibacy to fuel creativity maintained over multiple months-- healthy or a vicious girl-on-guy sexual assault waiting to happen? discuss amongst yourselves.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
9:28 PM
Thoughts I Had Today
1. Do we really need headlines for blog entries? Have we become such pussies that we need to first be prepared with an easy-to-swallow summary before we read anything? Swallow your freakin' pills, kids. Seriously. You need to be learning this stuff.
2. As long as you can understand I am the most unreliable contact in the world, but deep down, in a sincere but abstract way, I really do love you even if you can never find me at any given moment and I have a tendency to drop off the face of the earth for stretches of time, then yes. We can be friends.
3. Why is it that when food is fried, people get so giddy?
4. A handshake really does say a lot about a person. It's like trying a key in a lock for the first time, and you have no idea if it will open the door.
5. Do I want to be invisible or a mind reader? I haven't quite decided.
6. In One Corner--Tender Sensitive Therapy Addicts Who Have the Annoying Tendency of Being Comfortable with Oversharing in the Elevator.
In the Other Corner -- The Predators Who Go To Therapy Just So They Can Consistently Mindfuck Someone Who Is No Intellectual Match
Watching the people coming in and out of the therapists' office next door is like human fishtank porn.
7. Men with money in Los Angeles have god complexes, no matter how ridiculous it is for some of these losers to have god complexes.
8. I think I've been visiting people in their dreamscapes. I've been experimenting with gamma waves.
9. Jesus loves you.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:24 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I love this:
Kathy Griffin's Jesus Profanity Stirs Outrage
Oct. 1, 2007 issue - Some stories are best told straight. On Sept. 8, Kathy Griffin, a bawdy, foulmouthed comedian, accepted an Emmy Award for her reality show, "My Life on the D-List," and in her acceptance speech she explained that while other actors might thank Jesus for such an honor, she wouldn't consider it. "Suck it, Jesus," she exuberantly added, waving her statuette in the air. "This award is my God, now."
Outrage from Christian groups predictably followed, led (also predictably) by William Donohue of the Catholic League, who went on CNN to complain that "Hollywood laughs when she says 'Suck it, Jesus,' but if she'd said 'Suck it, Jews,' or 'Suck it, Muhammad' ... they wouldn't be laughing, would they?" Then, newspapers reported that E! Television would scrub the speech before airing it the following weekend, which triggered an equal and opposite outcry from liberal groups accusing E! of censorship. Around that same time, a group of college students in Hawaii, sitting around voraciously reading the news, "got a giggle," as 20-year-old Carlos Uretta puts it, out of the controversy. So they did what any atheist-minded group of 21st-century college students would do: they registered suckitjesus.com as a domain name and, a few days later, put up a petition in support of Kathy Griffin, which now has more than 2,500 signatures. "We got an e-mail from someone in Italy, and we thought—really? People are concerned about this in Italy?"
You might think that when the awards show aired the next weekend, edited but not completely airbrushed, the controversy would die. But you would be wrong. Last week a small Christian theater company based in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., took out two full-page ads in USA Today at $90,000 a pop, decrying Griffin's remarks and pleading for a new civility. Griffin, meanwhile, went on Larry King, who played the unedited clip and ignited the entire thing all over again. And who stands to benefit from this tempest? Well, Griffin, who's playing sold-out shows all over the country this fall. And Tennessee's Miracle Theater, just down the road from Dolly Parton's theme park and in its second year of staging a Broadway-type play about the life of Christ. "The phones have definitely picked up, and that's great," says manager Russ Hollingsworth. Now that they've scored the domain name, Uretta and his friends think it might be fun to expand their site, but "not to be too profound or anything," he says. No worries, Carlos. You're in good company.
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20920371/site/newsweek/?GT1=10357
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:06 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
9/21/07 - first rain of the season.
and so it begins.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
1:16 PM
Labels: signficant days
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Last night, after the president of my company gave me my award plaque at our company dinner, he said he wanted to tell us a story about an old Persian king. So this king loved listening to violin music, so he put a call out to the kingdom for the best violin player. They found the guy who was the star of the orchestra, so the king asked for him to come to his palace every day to play for him. So every day, he would play for the king and the king would clap wildly after he was finished, ecstatic with his violin skills. He felt proud because he could bring such joy to the king, so every day, he looked forward to traveling to the castle to play for the king. One day, he returned home and his wife looked distressed. When he asked her what was wrong, she said that he has stopped playing with the orchestra to spend every day playing for the king, and now they had no income coming in and she was worried about money. He told her not to worry, that everything would work out, and he continued to play for the king every day, instead of playing with the orchestra for pay. One day, he came home and his wife was crying. She said that she tried to go to the market and buy food to make dinner, but she had no money and no one would give her anything. He says, don't worry, give me your list and I'll go. So he goes to the market, picks out everything on the list, and when they tell him how much it is, he looks the vendor in the eye, and starts clapping enthusiastically. You see, he derived such pleasure for when the king clapped for his violin playing and took this as the king's payment, he assumed that this vendor would accept clapping as tender as well. Of course he didn't, but when the story traveled back to the king, the king laughed and sent him enough money to take care of himself and his family.
"So the moral of this story," the president said in his broken English, "is...the clap...will not pay your bills."
Indeed, wise president. The clap will definitely not pay your bills.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
4:51 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So let's say you go to bar and there happens to be a minority TV industry networking event going on. Let's say you crash it and pretend you're with the group. Out of the blue, a guy starts chattin you up. Let's say suddenly a possessive girl who feels she already has dibs comes pushing through the crowd, and sticks her hand in your face to introduce herself, because all 5 foot 9 aggro African-American of her wants you to know this is her prey, her conversation, and you had better back the fuck up. How do you get out of this situation without any she-cat scratches on your dignity or your corneas?
I decided not only was I not gonna back down, but I was gonna do the opposite. I gave her my biggest, most disarming smile and looked at her like she's the most interesting person in the room. I shook her hand warmly and ask her where she works. She tells me and I ask her what they do, listening attentively. I'm completely ignoring the guy. She goes into a long-winded rambling explanation then decides to just finish it by saying it's a TV network that's like the one the guy works for, but without protestors in front of the building. I say, seeing from the way you carry yourself, it sounds classy as well. She looks pleasantly surprised, then says, "Yeah, it is. Thank you." She's grinning, defenses gone. The guy had joked with me that his network has too much "titty-bouncing" before she got there, so I say, "Yeah, it's not like all the titty-bouncing they got over on his network..." She laughs and he laughs. They each thought they were in on an inside joke against the other person. The ice was broken and we started joking around. I looked at her and then him, both so giddy and nervous, and thought, is this how threesomes start? We were still joking around when my boss pulled me away to take a company group picture (I forgot to mention, I was there having a company celebratory dinner. Let's just say I've been bitching the last month about wanting to move to San Francisco and being an all around disgruntled bitch around the office, and tonight, as a surprise, they present me with an award for outstanding service along with a five-digit bonus in hopes that I'll stay. Uh, come again? Ladies, I will only say it once--Men. Love. Bitches. I know, it's completely depressing to me, too.) So as we got ready for the picture, the guys were cracking up about how they had been watching me to see how I planned to work the crowd. How that guy started talking to me and within moments, the girl came steaming towards us from the other side of the bar, getting in my face to cockblock me, but whatever I did, they were both flirting with me at the end. I told them, you just have to know how to talk to people. You get into people by making them feel that in your eyes, in that moment, they're the most beautiful, amazing creatures you've ever seen, and then you own them.
You're drunk, my coworker says as he puts his arm around me, and you have a big ego.
You love me, I say.
You're definitely interesting, he says, and I lean my intoxicated head into his chest.
Meanwhile, the coworker I've been spending a lot of time with, my little Scorpio protege/tormentor, was jealous of me getting the award and the bonus. It was so hard core he could barely look me in the eye. I saw it on his face the way I see it on a lot of guys I've dated in the past when they see my car, or my house, or how many friends I have or some other form of envy. It's always disappointing. It's like something about another person's success shakes up a jealous person's inner core so they feel their sense of self threatened. I sat across from him at dinner and he was acting weird, so I just said straight up, you're jealous that I got this. He looks surprised and said straight up, yeah I am! I said, you're a little bitch because if you had gotten this, I would have been happy for you, and still happy with myself. He says, sometimes you've gotta be a hater, which then sparked a group lecture from two more spiritual coworkers on either side of him about being being a bigger person.
After dinner, he gave me a ride to my car and I started laughing. "I can't believe you were jealous. That's so fucked up. "
He told me how jealousy fuels his success and was cocky about it. I told him that he can't think of other people's success as being in direct competition with his. He says that there's always a winner and always a loser, like in sports. He says, there's always a loser, and it's not gonna be me.
I said yeah, in sports, we may care who wins during the game. But when it's over, we just remember that we had fun and maybe we learned something, we got better, whatever, but that's what it's about. No one remembers who won or lost a game in the long run. And also, I could knock someone down in the context of the game and it would be fine. But if I knock someone down on the street, it's totally inappropriate. There's a place for everything but sometimes you have to see the bigger picture. It's a big enough universe for everyone.
He tries to tell me that life is a war and it's kill or be killed, and he thinks that way because he spent his childhood in Israel and life was a war. I tell him, I grew up with someone who approaches life as war and spends her life strategizing and vigilant in recognizing perceived threats, so I know what that's like and I have it in me. There's a time when you need that capability, when you're fighting for something or in the presence of people who are undermining you. But the key is to know the difference. So many soldiers fight a war and then come back and fail in society, because they don't know how to adjust. A true warrior can fight in times of war, but thrive in times of peace. A true warrior knows the difference.
He says so what that I felt jealous and couldn't be happy for you for like two minutes. you're so on top of it, you noticed these things immediately and I couldn't even hide it. I can't even let myself feel jealous for two minutes. That's your thing, you're so aggressive and you point out people's flaws when they're vulnerable and it's like kicking a guy when they're down.
I tell him that's the thing men don't understand about people like me. We never kick with the intent to hurt. We can't help seeing things, but when we look at people, we aren't looking for flaws, we're looking at the whole picture and we see everything realistically, your strengths and weaknesses, but we love you as a whole, both good and bad because we're all human, so you can stop obsessing about hiding what you think are flaws. But the problem is YOU don't accept the flaws yourself. I come from such a good, caring place, and you can't even comprehend that because you're so threatened. So look at yourself before you start pinning it on me as a way that I'm judging you because I'm not. It's about the potential you have and how you get in your own way, why you're always telling me you're not satisfied with your life. There's so much abundance in the world that everyone can be successful. Why the fuck do you have to be successful in the same way as other people and obsess about it when you're really just avoiding your own dreams?
He said, because I want to be better than people because I want to be in control at all times.
Do think you have control over me?
Yeah, I'm in complete control of the situation.
Really. You have control.
He hesitates, then says, yeeee...ah.
You don't have any control over me.
Well, you don't see it, but--
How can you have any control if you can't even catch me?
He lets out a string of sounds but doesn't really complete a thought.
You're dealing with a world class athlete here, and the only thing I was built to do is run. Look at my body, look at how athletic I am. Look at how fast I type. How fast I think. Everything about me is about going as fast as possible. And that's because I have one goal and one goal only, and that is to not ever get caught. What makes you think you can possibly outrun me when this is all I do? What makes you think you can ever be faster than me?
I can't, he says, quietly.
But why would you think you have to be? You don't need to be. You're outstanding in other ways. It's like this. If I really admire a friend and she's a world famous violinist, I'm not gonna say, holy crap, she's so good at violin, I've gotta be as good as her, and then waste my life trying to be as good as her when violin isn't my destiny. I'm gonna say, even though I love music but I'm not musically talented, I'm good at other things, like basketball and writing, and I hope that she's as impressed by my unique successes as I am of hers.
So I guess I'm yelling at him, not out of anger but out of passion, hanging halfway out of his car because I don't want to be in an enclosed space with him. My bosses drive by and wave with these little smiles on their faces, and I say, Oh crap. Now everyone's gonna think we're dating.
He says, whatever, who cares.
But I don't like this.
The thing is, I'm not emotionally involved here outside of our friendship or mentorship or whatever it is we are. I'm not engaged in his romantic projection that he keeps pushing onto me. I'm a slab of ice on the inside because I don't have any desire of a shared romantic path with him, even though my head is connected and for whatever reason, we keep talking. I hate office rumors because they only turn ugly.
Now I'm really irritated so I say, Men love bitches. Straight up. You love bitches. I treat you so badly, and I don't treat anyone like this, because you do dumb shit to provoke me because it's what you want. Stop being a little bitch and grow up. I'm tired of this dynamic. Just take the freakin' message so we can both move on. Whatever potential it was that you felt you had but people didn't see in you while you were growing up, get over the bullshit and just go out and be who you are if that's what you want. Go be successful if you really want it so badly. Figure out what you want to do to be successful and do it. But stop trying to get people to treat you badly just because you get off on it and it distracts you from pursuing the things that you wish you had that other people have.
He nods somberly. You're right.
He tells me to get in the car and smoke a bowl with him. I say no. He asks me again and I say no again. He says, you're really irritating me right now.
I say, I irritate you all the time. I'm actually completely irritating to you across the boards.
He looks out the windshield for a while then says, you know, all this time we've been talking and spending time, I never really got it, but I just got what you've been saying tonight. Everything you've been trying to say to me.
Really? I say. It's been a long battle and a part of me doesn't believe he'll ever give in.
He says, yeah, I get what you're saying about my life and what I need to do. Just right now. I just got it.
Good, I say. I give it a respectful pause. Then we're done here?
I can tell from his eyes, he doesn't quite know how to take that question.
We're done, he says.
I smile.
I close the door, then leave.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:26 PM
Labels: magic, signficant days
I have been having a lot of adventures and interesting experiences. I keep starting posts but saving them as drafts. It's like I want to see what's at the end of this tunnel first before I write about it publicly.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
10:12 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
see, who you are is like a million polarities simultaneously attracted and repelled to different degrees at different times, forming a complex system that continually changes with different aspects dominating depending on the degree of tension between certain polarities.
if you want to explore certain things, ideas or perspectives, you imagine particular polarities and you stretch them as far apart from each other as you can like a rubber band, putting great energy and thought into one concept/point/image/idea, then opposing energy and thought into the other. basically, you have to believe in both equally strongly, until they are almost the same thing to you. because at some point in the infinity continuum, polar opposites co-exist as the exact same point. this is why it's very very important to make sure you identify concepts in direct opposition or you'll see that it doesn't work. you need to be as extreme as possible, exerting as much energy simultaneously into both, but ideally, you exert an equal amount of energy into each polarity so that it is balanced. and through that aggravated tension, new syntheses of idea are born by observing what is revealed in the tension between the polarities.
my point is, don't read too much into things. i do my best to entertain strangers, update friends, etc., but this has always been first and foremost my mental training space.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
9:30 AM
Labels: dropping knowledge, magic
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
believe whatever you want to believe. that's the beauty of it, because i am whatever you want to believe, and that's all that matters. it has nothing to do with me.
but those who know me, know the truth, and that's the beauty of that as well.
i am nothing
i am insignificant
just a whirlwind of half-materialized hopes and dreams masquerading as the shadow of an almost human being
borne of a seething loneliness that managed to grow itself a set of teeth.
but sometimes i remind you of something nagging
deep inside yourself just out of your grasp that you love or hate
but you can't quite figure out which
just give it time.
you'll soon find out there's not much difference.
it's all bullshit.
this tearing myself down then building myself up.
tearing myself down
building myself up
tearing myself down
tearing myself down
tearing myself down
with practice, i am getting faster at it. soon i'll be a new person every morning that i wake up.
it's all a restart. new life, a new personality.
yet nothing really changes except your memory gets worse. and then people on the street are saying hi to you and recognizing you, but you don't know who they are.
i think it's like drugs, this process.
the more you do it, the more and more you lose a little bit of yourself, yet you're compelled to keep going.
it's like a snake. shedding. but instead of growing, something in you gets smaller. and the other voices get more distinct.
i tell you though. snakes are beautiful creatures.
colin told me that when a writer creates a character, that character stays with him for the rest of his life.
i said, i know. they haunt you.
i asked him if the characters in a person's head are coming or going. do they only come in when you make them up because by imagining them you've invited them in, or are writers just crazy people who spend their lives desperately trying to exorcise these screaming tormented souls who were born into the world with them, demanding a voice, so that one day they can have the peace of a quiet mind? maybe we talk to dead people and don't even know it. maybe we are the dead people, and don't even know it.
i will say this though.
you can listen to us, but be aware. writers walk the edge of darkness like madmen along midnight train tracks. we are the quicksand that entices you with hypnotic promises of adventure, knowing full well that to accept us is to succumb to us. when we invite you in for a ride, you trust us not to lead you to someplace damaging, destructive. someplace so completely raw and overwhelmingly intimate as to destroy all boundaries. all sense of reality. but to be honest, that requires a lot of restraint. to not fuck with that trust. to not fuck with the fact that you trust us not to reach into your heads and fuck you where you're the most vulnerable, where all that is logical is clutched tightly so that everything is in its place, a reality that's compartmentalized and predictable. continuity is comfortable, isn't it? yeah, it makes you feel like you actually have some control over your destiny. but you know it's fragile. a person's tenuous grasp on his perception of reality is his weakest link. admit it. we depend on the visions, ideas and inspiration of people who straddle the frail, frail line between genius and madness, hoping that what they project to us is the truth that could save us. there's a 50/50 chance you're following a madman into the abyss.
i'm just saying that every coin has 3 sides.
2 that belong to him.
and the 1 that is his shadow.
i'm going into withdrawals because i'm forcing isolation on myself and half of me is struggling. sometimes i have to bitch slap her and lock her in the dungeon. i never claimed i wasn't a sadist.
yesterday i admitted to a complete stranger that i lie just to make sure that no one knows completely who i am. but maybe that's a lie, too.
because sometimes i lie about lying, to distract you from the fact that i am by honor bound to express truth and vulnerability. but the rules don't forbid the simultaneous projection of smoke.
how much do you hate an unreliable narrator?
they say that handwriting is very indicative of your personality.
i can't even present myself in a straight line. is it any surprise that i'm completely motorly impaired in my ability to draw one?
anyway, like i was saying, withdrawals. and it somehow shattered my sense of self tonight, so it's like looking at myself in a prism. this is good because it means the process has started. pretty soon, the characters will begin. how dangerous is it that i'm allowing pluto to lead me right now? i never said i wasn't scared. courage is knowing you should be scared, but following through anyway. i guess you could say, so is stupidity.
(to be honest with you, sometimes i look at my words and i don't know where the fuck they come from. it's like a room full of people all crowding for the same videophone yelling things at it. and julia is just the mouthpiece).
i am a trustworthy person who can not be trusted? i am an honest liar? i am the smartest retarded person you ever met? or am i the most pathetic piece of brilliance to ever stick to the bottom of your shoe? perhaps i am just a lurking shadow of everything you don't want to look at. just a ghost that got stuck in the spaces in between.
don't anyone come near me right now. the weather today is stormy with an 83% chance of locusts.
To the Recurring Guy in My Dreams Whose Face I Can't See--
Whoever you are, I can't ever remember your face so sorry if I have no idea who you are. But thanks for always dropping by my dreamscape and hanging out. Do you like how the entire place is white and soft? Yeah, I love it. Anyway, I know I always say that I'm going to remember you when I wake up, but I'll be honest, I'm not a good waker-upper. I'm so groggy in the morning that by the time I figure out who I am and where I am, I've forgotten most of the visuals of my dreams. I'm just happy when I recognize if the seat cover is up or down before I pee. This is all I know:
1. you spend a lot of time alone at home listening to music.
2. your energy feels very mature in that your energy is stable and protective, but there's something childlike about you.
3. you drive a dark-colored car.
4. your name starts with a D i think. like David. there's a hard D.
5. you seem significantly bigger than me. your shoulders look nice in a sweater, which surprised me because i usually think men look stupid in sweaters.
6. you're a warm person who makes me feel comfortable.
Yeah so, stop dancing around me. Run into me, or I'll run into you. And we'll go out. It'll be like a Match.com date. But much much more surreal.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
It's definitely started, the descent. I see now that the last few months where I've learned about my own personal power have been a spiritual training of sorts to increase my strength before I embark on this journey. I hope that the end result is creative, cathartic and something that I am finally willing to show the world.
I was falling asleep last week and I saw my parents' house, the house I grew up in. I've always sworn up and down that the house was haunted, ever since we moved in back in 1986. My hometown was built upon Indian land, and growing up, we've heard plenty of stories about Indian burial grounds and people who have seen spirits in their homes, the legless ghosts being the ones that most intrigued me. I've never seen a manifestation of a ghost there, but there was always an energy...and you were constantly feeling like you weren't alone in any given room, or that there was someone or something watching you.
As I was falling asleep, I realized that over Labor Day weekend, the house would be empty with my dad in China and the rest of my family vacationing in Reno (sidenote: Reno is my least favorite city of all time). I realized that I've never spent a night alone in that house--there was always a nanny or relative, or if I was gonna be alone, I would spend the night elsewhere. I realized that maybe it was time to confront the house.
I had something to do on Saturday morning, but I drove up to Fremont without packing anything but my laptop, ipod and notebook. It was completely spontaneous. It was a great drive and plus, I was breaking in my new car. For the first time, I didn't speed outrageously, and I didn't race anyone. I like that I'm much more respectful of the value of my life these days despite being faced with prolonged boredom. (sidenote: this heatwave is killer. It was 121 degrees just south of Gilroy, and yet I saw people working the fields in jeans and long-sleeved shirts. Whatever your station in life, always be thankful because it could always be worse). On the way up, my mom called and she wanted to know what I was doing. I told her I was going to a secret place and she said that I should tell someone so it's not 100% a secret, in case anything happened to me. I thought about it and it made sense, so I told her I was going home. I told her I wanted to spend the night by myself to confront my fear of the house and to stand up to the ghosts and she laughed nervously. "Oh honey...the house isn't haunted." But she added quickly, "But even if it is, I think they're friendly, helpful ghosts." She said that she thought I perceived the house as haunted because of the bad relationship of my parents and all their negative energy, so that since the house was empty, it wouldn't feel bad. That was definitely a theory I wanted to keep in mind.
I got to Fremont around 7pm, and settled in. I walked through the house, announced my arrival but of course, the one room I just couldn't go into was the guest room (I've always felt that the energy centered around the guest room, which always feels drafty and heavy. Reggie once commented on the same thing and I told him that when we first moved in, that was supposed to be my room but I spent a few minutes in there and begged to be switched to another room). I turned on the jacuzzi, stripped, and went skinny dipping, which I've never done before.
Something that I really never fully appreciated about our house. We're up on a hill in the boonies overlooking the city and the bay, so when you look out, it's all city lights for as far as the eye can see. There's a lot of separation and trees between the houses, so there's only one house that borders us, but they can't see us because of the walls and tall redwood trees. Our pool is landscaped to look like a natural pond, with a wood deck, stone setting surrounded by trees and a waterfall. The sky was clear so the stars stood brilliantly against the navy sky. It felt like I was at a private hideaway, protected in complete isolation. I thought about life, and people and what I wanted of myself. I realized that my focus is so scattered, that I've never envisioned an ideal future for myself, to create a projected goal that I can work towards. That's definitely one of my biggest problems, how I scatter my energies. I thought about who I wanted to be, and imagined what I would look like, how I would feel, and who and what I would have in my life. I realized I needed to write all this down and envision this future every day. I need to focus. I also recognized that I'm on the verge of outputting something very important to me and that will require a lot of courage, but I'm having trouble starting it, so I've been working on it from the middle. All I know is that I'm determined to have it dominate me this fall. It's all I think about, it's all I want. I've said goodbye to a lot of people lately and let them know that I'm going underground, but that it's not personal but this is just something I have to do...to focus. I've just gotta board up my head, so the energy can only go in one direction. But I'll be back when I'm done. I felt good. I'm facing a huge unknown, I'm standing at the edge of the woods on the outskirt of my comfort zone, and I'm just waiting for the signal to begin the plunge. But I'm prepared. As I was treading water and staring at the sky thinking all these things, I saw movement in the water next to me. I look over and there is the most beautiful black snake with crisp white rings swimming through the water. If you've ever seen a snake swim, it's the most beautiful, graceful process. It was just a baby, but I was mesmerized. I swam after it for a bit, watching it carve the surface of the water until I realized, wait a minute. 1. I'm in a pool, not a pond, so this is strange that I'm swimming with a snake; 2. There are no water snakes where I am, so I don't know if this snake really wants to be in the water or can survive; 3. That's not a garter snake and it's too dark to see it's head for me to tell if it's poisonous. So suddenly I think it's a good idea to get out of the pool. I get out and I'm watching it, and it's going around and around the edge of the pool. I realize it's trying to get out. I follow it and I still can't see it's head, but I also knew that coral snakes have bands and couldn't remember the indigenous habitats for coral snakes (I used to read up on snakes as a kid, but suddenly, all this knowledge was failing me when I needed it). I kind of just wanted to leave, but then I worried that if a snake isn't a natural water snake, if it would eventually drown. And then it would be my fault. It also occurred to me that in a lot of mythology, gods and goddesses can turn themselves into creatures to teach or test you, and if you fail, you're in trouble. And if this was a test and I let this snake die, I'm seriously an asshole.
So I decided to rescue it. I didn't have the guts to pick it up, but I also figured I didn't want to take too much time, because it was circling around the edge of the pool and I was afraid it would get to the barrier between the pool and jacuzzi, which is lower, and boil itself. Keep in mind, I'm still naked. So I'm looking for the pool net, and I see some poles standing next to a tree in the middle of all these bushes. I'm thinking, okay, that's what I need, but we also have a lot of spiders and I have pretty intense arachnaphobia. Specifically, I'm terrified of black widows, which live outside around our house. So I'm naked and barefoot, and to save this snake, I've gotta crash through this heavy brush to get the pool net, and suddenly I'm thinking this is either a spiritual test from the universe to face my fears, or this is an opening to Six Feet Under where some dumbass dies in a random, weird way--specifically for me, my family returns from their vacation to find me naked, drowned and floating facedown in their pool with a black widow bite on one buttcheek and a snakebite on the other. I desperately don't want to be in the running for a Darwin Award. So I decide to face my fears and crash through the bushes, even though I can feel me breaking through spiderwebs. I get to the tree and examine the poles to find that they're 3 poles, but all with no nets attached. I see another pole lying on the ground that's a little hike away, so I crash through more bushes and spider webs to find that this one has a net attached, but it's filled to the brim with caked mud and leaves. DOES NO ONE CLEAN THIS POOL? Fuck.
I go back and I swear I feel things crawling on me, but I suppress the urge to jump into the pool with the maybe/maybe-not poisonous snake. I have an epiphany and go into the house, grabbing a garbage can from the office. I use it to scoop up the snake who's so anxious and timid, that it shies away every time I come near it so I'm convinced it's not poisonous. The poor little thing was terrified. I got him in the trashcan, then tossed him into the bushes. The whole thing took about 45 minutes, but I felt really good at having gotten him out of the pool, though not good enough to dump out the remaining pool water from the trash can, so I put it back in the office for my family to discover (sidenote: I'm a lazy tool.) I figured that if that was a spiritual test to show that I am willing to put doing good for other beings over my own personal fears, then I proved that not only am I not a slave to my fears, but that I obviously have no qualms about doing good while completely butt naked.
I went inside, had a beer, did some writing, re-experienced the greatest conscious trauma of my life and was able to make some new discoveries about it and how it has affected my desire and ability to let people come close to me. While I was writing, I kept hearing footsteps and what sounded like someone moving things around in the kitchen. But every time I went in there, there was no one there and everything was in the same place. But after I would go back into the living room, the noises and footsteps would start back up again. It sounded like someone would walk into the kitchen, snack, then leave. Then come back and snack, then leave. I showered and played piano for a while, but at randomly times, I would hear what sounded like a woman singing in the next room. After a while, I started to get a little creeped out so I went to bed.
In terms of the value of going home, it was what I needed. It turned out to be a little writer's retreat and I was able to confront some major fears and experiences. In terms of our house, maybe my mom was right. I always thought our house was haunted by very angry, disruptive energy, but I think that was what my parents fed the house. While it was empty, it felt very serene, almost maternally protective, but you never shake the feeling that you're being watched no matter where you are. Sometimes you would be in a room, and you'll see movement out of the corner of your eye, like someone just walked in through the doorway, but when you turn, there's no one there, yet it feels like there's someone there with you. And I've never been in a house before that had so many unaccounted for sounds. The singing and the footsteps were definitely unnerving. All in all, I never felt unsafe, if not the complete opposite.
When I left the next day, I stood in the center of the entryway and said goodbye and thank you.
I drove back, getting in really late at night and met up with Colin who had just flown in from a sailing trip in Washington. He was staying with us just for one night while he settles his living situation, so we had some tequila and good conversation. I told him that while the Sun was in Leo, I wore red every day to attract creativity and fire qualities and he said that the color red to an Aries is like waving a red flag at a bull...they just want to charge it. I said that made a lot of sense, because I definitely was meeting and interacting with a lot of Aries all of a sudden in August. But lately, my life has been crowded with Scorpios.
On Monday, the heat was killing me. I decided to not go to my usual spots and instead, I ran errands then ended up at a Barnes and Noble to do some writing. I walked in and the place was crowded because it's a new store that had just opened up. I was looking around for a place to sit when this guy drawing in a sketchbook asked me if I was looking for a place to sit, and if I wanted to, I could sit with him. I kind of didn't want to because I wasn't sure I wanted to be obligated into a conversation, so I said that it was okay, because I had a lot of stuff. But then I saw that he was drawing, so I asked him if he was an artist (I'm looking for an artist to collaborate with me on my book of poetry, a collaborative exploration of inspiration). He said he was and invited me to sit again, so I sat down and we chatted.
We talked about perspective and he wanted to show me his drawings. As I flipped through, I saw something about neurofeedback so I asked him about it. He said he has a friend who is really smart, but has a learning disability so he has trouble expressing his intelligence, like he can't get the thoughts out of his head when he needs to. So someone told him that neurofeedback might help him, so he took down the name of a book for his friend. I listened and I asked him if it's like his friend's mind is a hard drive that saves a file but forgets the location, so he has trouble retrieving files in his head, even though he knows they're there. He looked surprised and said, that's exactly it. So his friend has a hard time showing how smart he is because he can't arrange or grab the ideas or thoughts and express them in a way that people can understand. I told him that maybe his friend doesn't have a learning disability, but is actually really smart. That a lot of times, brilliant people get diagnosed with a learning disability because their thought processes are unique or wired differently, so their mind works outside of linear thought. How linear thought, linear time/space are all illusions, just constructs to give human perspective a point of reference, but sometimes, people who are smarter can see beyond it, but they also have to train their brain to work within linearity so that they can communicate with people who are bound by those constructs. He listened and he said that this was crazy because he understood exactly what I meant. But he asked me, how do you reorganize your mind so that you can function and communicate everything you see? I said a lot of it come down to focus. For example, say you want to paint this cup. So you decide on a perspective. But someone who can see everything, will simultaneously see all perspectives at once, and it gets overwhelming. It's like those security control centers where they have a huge grid of all these monitors showing perspectives from different security cameras at the same time. You're aware of all of the possibilities. But knowing that, you have to decide which perspective you want, or which thought line you want to express or pursue, then put aside all the other ones, follow that one through, and if it's not what you want or if you want to express something else, then you go back, pick another one, and follow it through. Sometimes people who are really smart, when they are posed a simple question or topic, they have all these thoughts and questions or points, that it's like having all these marbles in their hands. So even though they want to show you this one green one in their right hand, they're afraid if they have to drop all the other marbles to show you this one. And they don't want to lose the other marbles. But you have to figure out a way to find a safe place to put down the other marbles, so you can show people these marbles one by one.
He started drawing as I was talking, drawing out marbles and said that this made sense to him. I told him that he must be a great friend to help out his friend this way. He said that he would like to think that his friends would do the same for him. Secretly, I wondered if he was talking about himself.
We started talking about inspiration and where it comes from, about how art and expression involves a connection between the artist and the universe, and between the artist and the perceiver. And how something that is truthfully expressed may not be "liked" by everyone, but it will cause changes or doors opening inside the people who are open to certain ideas or messages.
We started talking about how we see things and people. He asked me if I was good at characters because I seemed to know a lot about people and I said that I can look at someone and read them, their hopes and dreams, their worries and fears, the way a doctor can feel your body and "read" you. But you read some people better than others because their more of a reflection of you or their reflections are in direct opposition to yours so it still is recognizable, or they are reflecting symbols that you've had personal experience with.
We started talking about interactions with people is often just people trying to understand themselves, so everyone is trying to find self-understanding by watching the person across from them, or by their own reaction to the relationship or chemistry between the other person. He asked me what I got from him, and he told me what he got from me. He noted that sometimes I seem anxious. I said it's because this is the type of conversation that, once it's open, it can consume me and pull me away from focusing it on one project at a time. I laughed and said, you know your friend that you were talking about? I have the same problem. He laughs and said, then why are you giving advice on how to deal with it? I said it's because I know how to overcome it, I just haven't been completely successful at it yet.
He asked me, is it a burden to be enlightened? I thought about it and I answered truthfully. "Sometimes you get unbelievably lonely...especially when people think you know too much or will find out too much about them, so they don't want you near them." He looked at me and I got nervous, so I said I was going to get a drink, and walked away.
I came back and he looked at his watch and said, do you know you've been sitting here and talking for 3 hours and you haven't done any work? I was surprised because I didn't think it had been more than 45 minutes. I was waiting for the table next to us to open up and was surprised that so much time had passed. I pulled out my notebook and started writing, but he kept talking me.
At one point, I was saying something and he squinted, like he was trying to look deep inside me. I said, "You just beamed me." He looked surprised and said, "What?" I said, "You just sent a beam inside me to see if what I said matches up with my insides." He's surprised and caught off guard. "Uh, yeah, I beamed you. Wow, I've never been called out like that before." I said, "It's okay, I do the same thing...I just never realized what it looks like. I guess that's why when people see me do it, sometimes they can get uncomfortable." He asked me, "Do you know what I saw?" I said, "No, I only know you did it...I can't read what information you took back with you." He laughed, but he didn't tell me what he saw, though every time I started getting uncomfortable because I got confused about what was happening here, he would read my expression. Honestly, it felt like I was learning what it feels like to be on the other side of me, how it must feel when other people have this type of connection or conversation with me.
I also found out that I couldn't stop myself and I was talking about things, but as I was saying them, I was listening to myself and learning. I told him how I'm working on this project that's very personal and important to me, but I was having a hard time because I wasn't sure of the tone yet. How I'm reading Chuck Palahniuk because I feel like mentally, our perspectives are similar, but sometimes he makes things harder for the reader, like it's a fuck you if you can't keep up or understand kind of stance. I'm not yet sure how I want to treat my readers yet...if I want to open up and allow them to understand so that those who are secretly hiding similar pain and histories can relate and use this story as guidance out of their own cages, or if I want to write from a more mental fuck-you stance where I completely ignore the emotional implications of the story and say to the reader, this is my mind, this is my story...you might find it interesting but in terms of how to deal with your shit...that's not my responsibility.
As I was listening to myself, realized that this was a struggle that I've been debating under the surface, but which wasn't conscious until now. But with a chance meeting of a stranger in a bookstore, I had now made a serious, much needed discovery and now it was helping me move forward.
I looked at him, and I wanted to know. "When's your birthday?" I asked him. No explanation. Just a very direct expectation of an honest answer.
"The 14th," he said.
"What month?"
I looked at him, an ironic smile on my face.
"You mean Flag Day?"
"Yeah," he said, surprised that I would know such a random bit of trivia.
"Let me show you something."
I take out my wallet and pull out my driver's license, handing it over, only realizing too late that my address was on there. Oh well.
He looked. We have the same birthday.
"Whoa, that's crazy," he said, examining my license.
I looked at this guy who I just completely lost track of time with talking about inspiration and perspective and human mirroring and connections...and suddenly felt overwhelmed that we shared the same birthday. Are we indeed natural mirrors for each other? Is this a generous sign from the universe that some things are not coincidences on an objective plane and I'm moving on the right track?
As you know 614 is my favorite number because it's my birthright. It breaks down to 11, which is the symbol of an innovative but humane leader who ushers the masses into higher awareness and growth. June 14th is one of the symbols that I hold as sacred.
I've only met 2 other people with my birthday, both significant meetings. And here was another one, started by chance that immediately launched into a significant conversation, particularly acknowledging that strangers sometimes "plug in" so that they reflect each other's image for each person to learn and grow.
I left quickly. I needed to retreat to process the experience.
Later that night, I told Brian about my weekend, including the conversation with this artist who turned out to have the same birthday. He said that this was definitely very unusual, that it's one thing to meet someone with your birthday, but another to have specifically the kind of conversation we sat down and had, then to find this out. I told him about my experience with the snake, and how I had felt this was a test. I asked him if he thought that since I had put aside my fears to do something that was karmically good and unselfish, if this was my reward, that I was given an encounter that gave me knowledge that moved me along. He said, both experiences are pretty unusual. Who knows, you know? But it's definitely interesting.
I think my senior quote in my high school yearbook was something random like, The road of life has many twists and turns. Whatever you do, don't forget to signal. I used to wonder what the fuck I meant by that. But now I think I was being defeatist and a little sarcastic, because I think the key is...DON'T SIGNAL.
I think the universe expects your routine. It's like The Truman Show. Everyone expects you to do certain things, but the day you turn left unexpectedly when everything is expecting you to turn right, something happens. It's like there's a sudden small tear in reality because you didn't go where you were supposed to, and something happens...you see outside of the illusion that is life.
I think that's why unique things happen during the holidays, during long weekends. The universe expects everyone to be at a certain place, doing a certain routine, but all of a sudden, we're not preparing for the week on Sunday nights...we're not at work on Monday morning. And then unexpected things happen.
I propose that we all go through the week like it's normal routine, but at least once a week, do something completely random. Do something that you didn't even plan that is completely out of the norm. Go someplace you've never been. Or show up somewhere you usually go, but on a different night. Trip up the universe that's expecting to you to go one way, but you suddenly fake and go the other. And suddenly, I think you'll get this quick glimpse behind the scenes.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:40 PM
Labels: magic, signficant days, the other side