Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:11 PM
Friday, June 25, 2004
The most disgusting thing I've ever found on the internet.
I guess this is what blogs are for. I surf around enough and check out people's ideas of crazy links, and I find things that make me throw up in my mouth.
By the way, the beer can pic unreal. That can't be natural.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:10 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:13 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
My ESPN Draft Picks Entry:
Team Gonads and Strife
1st - Orlando Dwight Howard, GA HS Sr. PF
2nd - Charlotte Emeka Okafor, UConn Jr. PF
3rd - Chicago Andre Iguodala, Ariz. SG/SF
4th - LA Clippers Shaun Livingston, IL HS Sr PG
5th - Dallas Andris Biedrins, Latvia PF/C
6th - Atlanta Devin Harris, Wisconsin Jr. PG
7th - Chicago Luke Jackson, Oregon Sr. SG/SF
8th - Toronto Luol Deng, Duke Fr. SF
9th - Philadelphia Ben Gordon, UConn PG
10th - Cleveland Josh Childress, Stanford Jr. SG/SF
11th - Golden State Jameer Nelson, St Joe's SR. PG
12th - Seattle Kirk Snyder, Nevada Jr. SG
13th - Portland Josh Smith, GA HS Sr. SF
14th - Utah Sergei Monya, Russia SG
streamed by
3am wanderer -
1:42 PM
Labels: basketball
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:15 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
2:57 PM
Monday, June 21, 2004
My Cousin Is a Freak!
You guys can check out her blog but DO NOT COMMENT ON IT! I don't want her led back to mine...I'd like to keep SOME secrets.
A viet sandwich? Girl, I'm gonna slap you upside your senseless head.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
5:29 PM
Weekend Recap
Friday night, Jake, Brian and I watched Mystic River instead of my choice, Dodgeball. My brain has low standards as to what it deems stimulating. It's an AWESOME movie, made me cry in secret, and rekindled my fire about someday working with young people in regards to abuse. Jake helped me set up my free ESPN
tv and it's awesome.
We hooked up my X-Box which had previously been gathering dust in the living room and had a field day on Saturday playing games and watching DVDs. In the afternoon, my favorite cousin Bohr called to say he was in town and I met his girlfriend, Jenny, who is freakin adorable (pictures to come). They both went to U. of Illinois and she's from Chicago, but my mom's company offered her a job so if she takes it, she'll stay in the bay area with him. I really hope she stays. I'd love to be related to her. ;)
History about my relationship with Bohr:
He's the oldest of three brothers with a strict genius dad and an overbearing super soccer mom. So he always got straight-A's, took college math classes in high school, played musical instruments, etc. Well, his senior year of high school, he stopped getting those A's and I guess, spent a lot of time hanging out with kids that liked cars or something. I could never quite figure out why his mom thought those kids were "bad" kids, but she insisted that he was falling into a bad crowd. Like coming home at 9pm instead of 8pm. So she would call me up at like 5am Michigan time to tell me about her worries about Bohr going bad and I would always groggily insist that he's a ridiculously good kid and someday, I may be forced to buy him a hooker, he was so good (I didn't say the last part outloud). Finally, she asked if she could send him out to spend his spring break with me at Michigan so I could "set him straight." I agreed cuz he's a cool guy. And I thought it was hilarious that she was sending him to the worst possible person for the setting-of-straight process.
So my innocent little cousin shows up and my setting-straight activities include:
-smoking "God's natural goods" out of a homemade gravity bong made out of gatorade bottles
-mixing Atomic Queers (also called the Date Rape Drink. My signature drink..."so fruity it's queer!"), blending margaritas, buying him $2 Boone's
-drinking blue milk (I was going through my food coloring phase.)
-having him PA a film shoot in which we had a bearded classmate play "Peeping Tom Jesus" who also smoked from a bong and drank a 40.
....all the while, telling him, "Don't do drugs, drink responsibly and don't join a gang."
It was a blast. And now, our tradition is that every time we see each other, we buy a couple of 40s and tip one for our homies. He's a great kid and funny as hell. He brings out the craziest in me.
So I took them to a bonfire at Dockweiler with the U-M crowd, where we roasted hot dogs, drank and listened to Max's pedophile jokes.
I took them to Toast on Sunday for brunch and then over to 3rd Street Promenade to be touristy. We met up with his girlfriend's brother who's in the Air Force, and the quietest Gemini I've ever met. I would love it if Jenny stays in California. I hope they visit more now that Bohr is done with college and working up north.
Since getting the tv set up in my room, I've fallen asleep to American Psycho (on Saturday) and Monster (last night). Nothing like the sounds of serial killing to lull you to sleep.
Monster gave me a nightmare about dating Ben Affleck. Yes, it's a nightmare. I find him utterly unattractive and really trashy. But in my dream, I had worked with him a long time and didn't realize he was Ben Affleck so it wasn't so bad, though when I realized, I had to do some soul-searching to remember that he was the same nice guy I worked with, and not a sleazy walking ego. Though I had hinted to him that I like, "intelligent, nice guys," and remember thinking, "Oh God, I hope he doesn't think this is a hint that I want to be set up with Matt Damon."
I'm in the process of putting up all of my birthday pictures on my website. It's tedious but I'm going to devote most of tonight to it, so they should all be up by tomorrow.
That's all.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
11:01 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
2:34 PM
Friday, June 18, 2004
Random Quote Taken Out of Context
Lauren: Are you talking about the time when I had to wear a helmet?
Martin: What?
Lauren: Julia made me put on a helmet and slide down her hall. While she videotaped.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:59 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:45 PM
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
5:27 PM
Monday, June 14, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
9:25 PM
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Thursday, June 10, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
4:46 PM
Labels: michael, travel - Taiwan
I'm a Bad Person
One morning while we were in Taiwan, I was going to the gym and my (lazy) brother happily couldn't go because he had hurt his foot. I asked him if he wanted to go with me just to keep me company and we could get lunch afterwards, and he said yes because he wanted to be with me. I told him he had to buy me coffee first (there's a cafe next door and he buys me an iced coffee every morning along with an iced tea for himself). Well, he took his sweet time getting ready and I kept telling him I was leaving but he wouldn't answer me. I thought he was a little too confident in knowing that I wouldn't really leave without him so I pretended to leave, opening and shutting the front door so he could hear, then hid in the living room. He left the apartment a few minutes later, in no hurry, taking the elevator down. I took the stairs and followed him into the street hiding behind pillars, staying about 10 feet behind him. He went into the cafe to look for me, then came out and walked to the end of the block where he stood looking around for a long time with a stricken look on his face. It was apparent that he couldn't remember which way the gym was. I watched him walk back inside the cafe and I hid and waited for him to come out. After a while, he came out and instead of looking for the gym or going back upstairs, he came towards me and sat at a bench really close to where I was hiding. I thought he saw me but he hadn't so I ducked behind a wall. I could see his reflection in a store front. He had a paper bag with him and he took out an ice tea and just sat there drinking it, looking really sad. I started to feel awful so went up to the bench and stood RIGHT behind him, hovering over him until he noticed me. He didn't jump in surprise like I thought he would. He just kind of looked at me sadly and said, "I thought you left without me." Then he handed me an iced coffee that he had bought for me anyway, even though as far as he knew, I had already left without him. I felt like such an ASSHOLE.
streamed by
3am wanderer -
3:57 PM
Labels: michael, travel - Taiwan
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
12:06 AM
Sunday, June 6, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
5:15 AM
Labels: booty call agreement
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
streamed by
3am wanderer -
2:15 AM
Labels: travel - Taiwan