Monday, February 22, 2010

i had a conversation with my dad on friday in the car that turned out not to be true. he told me my cousin and his girlfriend asked for two tickets to the game. he said he couldn't give them to edward because edward's in china. but the game was on sunday, and on saturday, edward came to the party at our house. so he wasn't in china. so i asked my dad where the tickets were for my cousin and his girlfriend, but he looked surprised and said, they're not going to the game. i said he told me they were and that he gave them an extra ticket because edward's in china. he said he didn't remember having the conversation, because none of that was true (my cousin wasn't going to the game, edward wasn't in china).

i can tell you where we were, where we were going, what was said, what radio station was on when we had that conversation. and yet, why would he have said those things when they weren't true? or can it be that somewhere, this conversation didn't happen at all?