Friday, August 22, 2008

am having the most vivid dreams of my life. david and i are on the same wavelength, picking up on each other's obscure thoughts.

i told him about the prism thing that had been hovering by my bed in the middle of the night last year. we passed an art gallery after lunch yesterday and the artist based his work on sacred geometry. we walked around and then thanked the proprietor and walked out. she locked the door behind us, closing the store. as we walked down the front steps, we realized there was a downstairs installation. we were looking at it, then looked back at the woman, locking up. she saw us and knew that we'd just realized there was a downstairs, so she smiled and waved us in. it was really nice of her. downstairs, the centerpiece looked like the top view of the thing i had seen next to my bed, just more simplified and the wrong color--shades of red instead of energetic beams of blue-green-purple light, like spiderwebs shimmering with an ethereal energy. that's the closest thing i've seen yet to describe the thing that was next to my bed, i told him. it's just the wrong color scheme and doesn't show exactly how complex it was. he sat down on a bench in front of the artwork. that's pretty amazing, he said.

we left and he carried me on his back as he walked through the cobblestone streets back to our place. sometimes we have pristine moments like this where we both know that this is nothing new--we've lost and found each other through many lifetimes so all we do is appreciate that we're together. sometimes, we have to go to work, like training partners pushing each other so that we can heal this lifetime's wounds.