Friday, February 6, 2009

truth hands

sarah and jef have something they call "truth hands."

sarah and jef have two cats.

one called killer who was jef's cat from his life in indiana before he met sarah. the story is that one night, coming home from work, jef got out of his truck to find a kitten nearby. he never wanted a cat so he walked away but found that the kitten followed him, all the way to the stairs of his apartment. as he walked up, he saw the kitten struggling up the stairs that were almost too big for him. he decided that if the kitten made it all the way up the stairs and through the door of his apartment, he'd keep him.

this is how killer chose jef.

the other is truth.

sarah and jef decided to find a companion together for killer. they had also just moved to florida and maybe there's just something lonely about florida.

they were at the shelter and sarah saw the name truth. all they could see of truth were two tiny little ears peeking out of a food bowl.

sarah remembers a life changing paper she wrote in college where she had to decide on one core philosophy and apply it to different issues, and she had chosen truth as her life philosophy.

this is how sarah chose truth.

truth is a broken cat. she was taken away from her mother too young, and received treatments too early that made her sick. truth never quite looks you in the eye and you have to be very careful when you touch her, showing her you have the purest of intentions.

since jef and killer bonded in a very rough, masculine way, sarah describes to jef the act of being gentle as "truth hands." it's being able to put the ego completely down and be open.

sometimes, even if it hurts you, you have to use "truth hands" because it's the kindest thing to do.