Thursday, February 26, 2009

(yes, it's from the play closer. it's a craving. i can't watch the movie without it giving me longings of obsessive thought. but it's definitely one of the best works of modern, urban literature. i say that because so many of the words, their meanings and the way they're arranged, tickle the hell out of my brain)

Larry (smiles): Don't get lippy.
I liked your book, by the way.

Dan: Thanks...You Stand Alone.

Larry: With Anna. I'm not sucking your literary cock but I did quite like it--because it was 'humane' (surprisingly). You should write another one.

Dan (shrugs): Haven't got a subject.


Larry: When I was nine, a policeman touched me up.
He was my uncle. Still is. Uncle Ted.
Nice bloke, married, bit of a demon darts player.

Don't tell me you haven't got a subject--every human life is a million stories.

Thank God life ends--we'd never survive it.