Monday, May 24, 2004

May 24, 2004 Recap

My mom called yesterday and told me that my aunt's friend Kevin would be in Los Angeles today and if he could stay with me. They gave him my brother's set of keys to my place and I met up with him when I got home from work today. Kevin is visiting from Taiwan and is preparing to open a gay bar in the hip downtown area of Taipei so he wanted to check out the WeHo bars and get ideas for decor. His friend Cat picked us up and she's a total Aries. I mean, fast-talking, aggressive ludicrous-speed driving and very take-charge. It was interesting. I took them to the Abbey, the place next door and then Fiesta Cantina to see if Robert was working. We went back to the Abbey for drinks since they have the best drinks in town. I ordered a blueberry martini for Kevin and had a rasberry mojito myself. The bartender was this lean latino guy and I told him that Kevin was opening a bar in Taiwan and wanted to take a picture of him. So we got pictures of him mashing my mojito, muscles rippling. DAAAAMN. He said he was willing to go to Taiwan for a week to train the bartenders and gave us his number and email. Totally hooked Kevin up!

Afterwards, I showed his friend my place because she couldn't understand why I spend most of my paycheck on it. I gave her the tour and she admitted it was worth it...I have the sweetest place in LA. The place is pure contentment. You'd have to walk in to understand...there's something about it. I showed her my bedroom and she was envious...I'm telling bedroom is the best place on earth to wake up. Totally zen and peaceful, especially when the light comes in in the morning. And the California King that you can get lost for weeks in. It's my haven. The only thing that could possibly make it better would be falling asleep and waking up to the sound of the ocean, waves crashing outside. You would think with my pad I'd be pimpin'...but I'm not.

It's only Monday but I'm ready for the week to be over. I leave for Taiwan on Friday and I really want to get an IPod so I'll have music on the trip. But I don't know if I can justify spending $400. I'm probably going to have my birthday party at Falcon in Hollywood, but I have to confirm...I need to have all this planned out before I go, since I get back the week of the party. But things are good. I sure can't complain.

Good night, kids. I hope you're all having a wonderful week.

Today's mood: Fruity