Saturday, March 13, 2004

I am in my just-teetered-through-the-door post-night out state. And I think tonight deserves a recap:

Picked up bk. Ate dinner at Fred 62. Went with bk to 7-11 to buy cigarettes and ran into Ryan Locke, Nautica model who also went to high school with me. Chatted with him and gave him my card. Came back and ate dinner only to remember that Brian is a huge Ryan Locke fan. Told him. He was SO pissed that I forget to tell him, especially since Ryan had walked by us at the restaurant and I was about to mention it, but then didn't because I didn't want Brian to make fun of the fact that I gave him my number. Improvised a joint with a hollowed out cigarette. Went to the Dresden. Gave the hot black sax player The Eye. Realized how easy the bar game is (ladies, here's the key. It's all about eye contact. Like a staring contest. When you have eye contact, let him be the first to look away. When he looks back at you, hold his gaze for a few seconds, then break into a mysterious smile. Trust me. They'll come over. Be careful not to look too long at ugly guys though. Because they'll never leave you alone). Went back to Fred 62 for desert. The Bossa Nova Waffle? Waffle with vanilla ice cream and dulce de leche sauce? The best thing I've ever put in my mouth, and that's saying a lot. Unbelievable. Hung out with bk and his roommate. And here's the funny thing. bk and I have the same birthday--June 14th. I asked his roommate when his birthday was and he said June 6th. Brian's birthday. It was weird. There were 4 geminis in the room, and each pair shared a birthday. So bk and his roommate had the same birthdays as my roommate and I. Freakin' crazy.

Quotes from the night:

"You're like a tall drink of milk." (some dorky guy trying to pick up a girl at the Dresden)

"There are consequences to your touching, Julia." (Brian to me)

"It's fun to say 'balls.'" (waitress at Fred 62)

"What's that political chick's name? Cunnilingus Rice?" (bk's roommate)

"In the olden days..." (Lauren about when we used to circle the wagons and drink milk with a layer of cream on top)

I have a thought for tonight. You know how they say that people always say the nicest things about a person at that person's funeral? And how we should just tell people how much we love and appreciate them while they're living? Here's the thing. I'm such a fucking hippy that I would love to go around and tell all the people I appreciate how much I love and appreciate them. But I bet, most people would think I'm a little bit weird and creepy. But when a person is on his death bed and says these things, it totally means more and people can take it in. Isn't that a weird thing? Why is being completely honest and emotionally vulnerable associated with death? How awesome would it be to be able to be completely emotionally naked in a non-desperate moment? I bet it's the most amazing high. To be that vulnerable and then to come out unscathed. I bet, once you take that risk and realize that nothing can hurt you, you'll feel the ultimate in empowerment.