Friday, November 5, 2004

The Grandaddy of All Inappropriate Office Conversations

Eddie: Hey Julia, come here.
Julia: What's up?
Eddie: Avi and I were just talking and we have a question for you.
Julia: Hit it from the front to the back. If she'll like it like that?
Eddie: Avi thinks that girls would be more into gay porn than lesbian porn because you have two guys going at it. But I think he's wrong.
Julia: Oh, you're asking the wrong person. I personally think gay porn is awesome and I can't stand two girls going at it because it bores me to death and I just don't like it. I don't even like seeing two girls and a guy, but two guys and a girl is awesome. But don't measure by me because most girls actually enjoy watching girl on girl. I don't think very many are into gay porn.
Avi: See I thought they would like gay porn because there's more dick.
Eddie: You'd think that but they just aren't into it but I don't know why.
Avi: Maybe it's cuz they can't imagine themselves in that situation.
Julia: I think it's because gay porn caters to men so it's all about fucking. And girls want more sensuality. I think that's why some girls I know say they actually like watching girl on girl.
Eddie: And it's probably weird for a woman to see a guy acting like a female. I don't mean as far as sexual positions, but the way they act.
Julia: Have you ever SEEN a gay porn?

[Eddie pauses for a really long time]

Eddie: No.
Julia: You have two ripped masculine guys going at it. I think it's solely about fucking. I mean, obviously, a woman would prefer to watch a straight couple, followed by two women, but most women aren't going to be into two guys. I think I'm an anomaly though because if I had to choose between two guys and two girls, I would prefer two guys because I just don't like watching two girls. It weirds me out. And plus, I think I was a straight gay guy in a past life who fell in love with straight-seeming guys who were in the closet because women and straight guys and most gay guys are all too much drama for me.
Avi: Does this mean you love anal?

[long pause]

Julia: That's a totally inappropriate question. And only with strangers.