Thursday, February 28, 2008

I want to bring up one point that I can't get out of my head.

I've worked so hard for this company. I've had great pride and have done everything possible to make us as professional and successful as possible. I motivate my coworkers because we're a team and if they want to reach a certain level of success, then they have to be focused. I call up my coworker who my boss dismisses as being lazy because he's always late, and tell him he NEEDS to start coming in on time, if only so no one can have any excuse to knock his contribution. I check on different departments to see how they're doing and what we can improve to help them do better, and when they're overwhelmed, I fight for a way to help them if a system isn't efficient. I stress teamwork and we've built a company with amazing growth despite having absentee management. I've always been attentive and responsive to my customers, who have in turn, sought out business opportunities for me as a way to give back. My customers are more than just people who buy from me. They are my network of resources and anything I know or can do to help them, I do, and anything they know or can do that can help me, they do. That's how you establish a foundation in any given market and build.

I've been working 3 positions for this company and refuse to consciously let anything fall through the cracks. I am the entire marketing department, I manage the most accounts including our biggest accounts which our VP used to handle, and I pursue my own accounts. I also run our office vending machine, but I just do that because it makes me happy to feed people.

Yet my boss says that it doesn't matter how much work I do, the fact is that I'm no more valuable than any other team member so I shouldn't be paid significantly more, even if it means the amount of money would be more reflective of the amount of work and responsibilities.

But the biggest thing that really gets me is this. When I ask my boss to give me a fair deal after 4 1/2 years of service and loyalty to the company, when I ask him to take away my quota system since I am the only person in the company who is limited by one, when I ask him to let me play on a level playing field so I can be measured for growth in the same way as others even if my capabilities may mean I make more commission, what does it mean when he says this:

"I don't have a problem with women. The problem is that you like to compete with men."

You tell me.

Go fuck yourself, thinking I can't be better than the guys. They already know I am.