Friday, April 2, 2004

and I've discovered that I really like to touch myself. I don't mean touching myself like sexual, masturbating every moment I can get type of touching. I mean, I'm always feeling the skin on my stomach, stroking my arms, smoothing my eyebrow, etc. Even when people are talking to me. Because I like the way things feel. And it's comforting. I love the way my warm skin and the subtle contours of my landscape feel against the tips of my fingers. Because when I do this, I love that I'm me and that I'm in my body, and this body is beautiful and captivating to me, and I could spend lifetimes exploring it. In those moments, I have such a deep feeling of contentment that this state of being is the only thing that matters. I realize I just want to be with someone because, I want someone who gives me his permission to touch him and to appreciate him, to understand his body and to be soothed by the feeling of his warm skin and his subtle countours against the tips of my fingers. Someone I can envelope in this state of contentment and appreciate the way I appreciate myself when I'm alone. What I want most is someone to love, who will let me safely love him. I'm not looking for someone who will love me adoringly in a way in which he will never truly get to know me well enough or understand me enough to honestly appreciate me. Because it takes away from having to earn it, the place where you understand and appreciate that you are beautiful and worth exploring and where, in essence, you learn how to truly love other people.