So, trying to change the subject, I came home from work early today because I felt like it. I just got new guitar strings (love Elixir brand) but I don't know about this Polyweb coating. Maybe it's all psychological, but I think it feels weird. I opened the door to our back balcony and the sun was a little lower in the sky and the weather was perfect. My perfect time of day. It was amazing. Just being at home early while everyone else was still at work, sitting outside, playing guitar and just being content. And seriously, I love Howie Day's album, Australia.
You know that moment when you suddenly realize you're completely intrigued by someone for seemingly no apparent reason, and you find your mind constantly drifting off, wondering who this person is and what his life is like, and you have a deep burning curiousity to find out?
I've become intrigued by someone. And I hope that he's intrigued by me, too.