Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I was on the plane back to California, thinking about the countdown on my camera from a couple of weeks ago. Then I had a thought. I checked when I got home and as I suspected...if the countdown was a 15 day countdown, then it ends on the full moon of October 4th. Interesting because the countdown appeared less than 24 hours after the new moon, which definitely brought some magic in, and new moons and full moons are tied. This is even more interesting, considering each full moon since July has brought something magical and mystical to pass. They say full moons are times of magic and unusual circumstances, as well as seeing the fruition of the seeds you plant during new moons. The timing of this mysterious occurrence seems too coincidental. Will be on the lookout. Anyone who made wishes on September 18th/19th or put something out into the universe should also keep their eyes, hearts and spirit open. What was planted then may suddenly open up their eyes or skies this weekend.