Sunday, March 30, 2008

he told me that people like to tell him their secrets. that he keeps a lot of people's secrets, and he wanted to know mine. and i knew i had to give it to him, because it was inevitable. this is synched with the fact i had randomly chosen the memory keeper's daughter as the book i would read into this journey, and it's all about what happens with secrets. in fact, it was the book i had given him, which surprised me because i hate giving away books. all of it, felt inevitable.

there's a strong polarity here. this is how magnets work. and with this, great power.

we are direct opposites in the spectrum, supported by astrological data, supported by his sudden statement that we are each other's other half, supported by my strong and persistent request on this blog for the universe to give me a mirror and my increasingly persistent search to find it.

and then, this. you're suddenly at a new level, where more is unknown, but an entire new universe opens at your feet. and you're standing there on this ledge between your old universe and this strange new one, and you know, there's no going back.

and so you pray with everything you've got, that this is a world in which it's possible to fall up.

so which is my universe, and which is not?