Friday, August 28, 2009


So this is the story. I'd spent the day getting to know the public transit system which people have been telling me is great. I spent the morning hanging out by the University of Washington, then talking to Rie about the book. Took the bus back to my area of town, had a very pleasant conversation with the female driver. The bus was empty except for me and her.

I got off, telling her it was wonderful to meet her. Felt really happy and content with my life. I'm walking towards my new home to officially sign my lease today. I'm about 2 blocks away when I round the corner and see this:

WTF!!!! I almost fell on my face.

So I head towards it, past my street to the dock, and it turns out, around the corner from where I'll be living is where the cruise ships dock. This one is the Celebrity Infinity. So I will definitely be listening to boat horns from my place after all!

I couldn't stop laughing. It's like I'm surrounded by symbols that remind me of positive things. That X reminds me of inspiration and magic.

I headed back to my building and asked the leasing agent about it. I'd walked around the waterfront before, but usually further down towards the fish market; I've never seen any cruise ships. She told me the cruise ships leave out of the pier just behind us, usually on weekends, so if I ever want to take a cruise to Alaska, I can just walk across the street and hop on a boat.

"I just took a cruise to Alaska," I told her. I couldn't stop laughing and shaking my head.

Seattle. You...trickster. You better not be setting me up for a joke. It did give me a good laugh though. Definitely not what I expected to see when I rounded that corner.