Saturday, January 31, 2004

The Berlin Wall came down, too. And shortly after, people realized, it's JUST A WALL. It is an object you can climb over. God will not strike you down. It's just the crazy people on the other side who make things dangerous. Bullshit politics, just a power play by men with unchecked egos who lack enough scruples and respect to manipulate weaker men. They create symbols of fear and then feed that fear by bullying the masses. Children are born into the world and taught to fear this wall because their parents do, and their parents did, but these kids have no idea why. And it goes on until this wall, this graffiti'd hunk of concrete, becomes this monster that could mean not just death, but the destruction of your soul and everything you believe in. The collective fear snowballs into phobic proportions. Again, IT'S JUST A FUCKING WALL. We need to stop letting people fuck with us. They tell us what we should be afraid of, because somehow, the people who clawed their way to the top GET to dictate what people should be afraid of, and what we're taught to fear is probably beneficial to some ASSHOLE sitting on his high horse (or in the oval office, or in some palace somewhere) to further his personal selfish agenda. We need to force ourselves to THINK FOR OURSELVES and keep an eye out for selfish agendas that aren't looking out for the collective. Not necessarily be dogmatic. But just make an effort to not just blindly accept things as they're handed to us, especially when it comes to how we're told to perceive our world, and where we should place our values. This is the responsibility of every individual human being.