I used to date a guy who told me that people always reacted badly towards him. He said that he noticed that people always reacted openly and warmly towards me but sometimes, people seemed put off by or cold to him. I told him that it was probably just in his mind and maybe just something he was projecting. But now that I think about it, the guy was always dating up. Somehow, even as fucked up as he was, he always got girls that were obviously out of his league. And I think when the friends and family of those girls met him, they would kind of be put off because they expected better for her or they didn't think he was good enough.
So then, when friends and family members of the person you're dating react badly towards you, is that a sign that you're dating up? Personally, I wouldn't know. I think girls have a tendency to date a league or several down. Especially Asian girls. I see way too many beautiful Asian woman with below-average men (both in looks and personality). My Asian (and White and Black and Puerto Rican) Sisters! We Need to go for the HOT men! Screw this misogynistic imbalance! Let the hot girls get the hot asshole guys, the cute girls get the hot nice guys, the ugly girls get the ugly nice guys, and the ugly assholes sit at home and think about what right they have to be assholes. Honestly. What right.