Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ohhhh. you know what just made me so sad? when i thought about that little girl whose mother won't let her talk to her father.

then i thought about how sometimes, you realize the best you have to give someone is a really, really good hug because they need it, but you know that will never save them from drowning. but you pretend you don't know that, because in a life where miracles are possible, maybe they can turn their lives around. it's worth believing it in the off-chance it could happen.

so i walk around hoping and believing that the most basic, sincere form of love might just make a difference. that kindness is profound, particularly between strangers. i don't like to see pain. i don't like to see the way people hurt each other. there's no reason why they should be mean but they do it anyway, to people they're supposed to love, to strangers, even though they know it's contagious. and yet, so is joy. so maybe it does make a difference. maybe people can evolve. but even if they don't, even if things are exactly the way they are, that we're just one giant cycle of pain, then at least it was worth the chance. at least maybe some people will have pleasant memories to hold on to when things go dark. (but to be honest, it's not. even if one day something happens to me and my mind goes blind and bitter, listen to me now...i've seen it. it's not)

i'm really a simple being in a very complex manifestation, because the world i've come into is very complex compared to my basic perceptions. but this whole idea of the real world...the mundane is abstract and non-tangible. money is just symbols. we've just all agreed to attach the same value to it. but it's not even real.yet we've agreed that it's real. so a kinder, gentler, more conscious human being can also someday become the mundane.

we all live somewhere. in our heads, in space, rooted in gravity, we're somewhere. yet it really doesn't matter where we each live, or where we each come from. what matters is where we meet.

where we meet should be a mutual decision and be consistent. that's how realities are created.

so let's all meet somewhere where we're not playing out the world's, our family's, our childhood pain cycles, and try to be more positive and kinder.